Chapter 4: Setting Rules

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"Her Mate" 

Colton says keeping his eyes trained on his beauty. He watched as her eyes widened slightly at his statement. Her chest began heaving while he stepped forward. His hands instinctively going to her hips. A shot of electricity shooting up his arms. Colton feels her hands go to his biceps to steady herself while her eyes still remained locked on him. His body pulsing from the closeness of his mate. 

As quick as he felt her, she was pulled away from him. He blinked and saw that she was standing behind the raven haired vampire. Her eyes narrowed on him. His instincts kicking in and he growls loudly making her hiss back at him. 


Both their heads snap over to the she wolf. Belle blinks out of her trance to find herself now behind her sister with an angry Colton in front of her. Nessa turns her head back to the wolf who is bonded to her sister. Colton finding his gazed once again locked with her while the she wolf walks over. 

"Nessa, it's not our choice." 

"He will hurt her Kacia!" 

At this Colton takes a step forward interjecting her. 

"I would NEVER harm her. She is more safe with me than anyone here!" 

Kacia places her hand on Nessa's shoulder trying to subdue her but she shrugs it off taking the final step to be chest to chest with the alpha. His instincts trying to force him to take action. He resist due to the fear he sees in his mates eyes. 

"And who will protect her heart when you reject-"

"DON'T... Finish that sentence." 

His words coming out with a clear warning. Nessa goes to reply when Belle steps forward. All eyes move to her as she tilts her head in question but walks around her sisters to Colton. His body relaxing at her actions. 

Belle doesn't know what to think. She has never felt ANY connection like what she feels with Colton. She knows the repercussions if they go down this path. So her mind is battling her heart. Deciding to let her heart lead, she walks to him. She can feel the eyes of her sisters on her but she wants this. 

Taking the final step she raises her hand and gently cups his cheek. The heat of the touch rushes up her palm through her arm. He closes his eyes and leans into her touch making her internally melt. Her other hand comes up to cup his face tenderly as her thumb brushes over his cheek. She feels his hands find their way to her waist again and gently tugs her to be chest to chest with him. 


His word instinctively coming out while his fingers grip slightly tighter on her waist. He allows her to pull his head down awaiting her next move. She closes her eyes placing her forehead against his. He sighs with a gentle smile following her lead. 

"Jezabelle." Colton leans back searching her eyes. Belle gives a soft smile before repeating herself. "My name is Jezabelle. I go by Belle."

Colton chuckles and smiles. His thumbs brushing her waist while continuing to hold her. 

"Colton Tate"

Belle giggles softly until a loud and obvious fake cough pulls their attention away. Jake, Tara, Kacia, and Nessa are all standing there watching them. Their facial expressions ranging from happiness to worry and last irritation.

Belle goes to step away but Colton only tightens his grip on her... Not quite ready to let her go yet. Kacia sees this and steps forward first. 

"Colton, you will not reject my sister?"

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