Chapter 21: Thaddeus

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His eyes snap open and he looks around to find himself laying in his room. The sun light is barely coming up through the curtains in his room. Glancing over, his mother is sitting in a chair next to his bed. Her head lying on the side of the bed as she sleeps. He looks around trying to recall how he got here. His mind is fuzzy. He remembers his date, the attack, him leaving the scene, his return due to Belle's pain, the last was Tara teleporting him home. He doesn't remember anything. Holding his head he groans which snaps his mother awake. Her green eyes quickly focusing on him as she cups his face searching his face. 

"Hey, you're okay"

He nods his head still trying to focus. His chest is burning but not with pain like last night. He rubs it absentmindedly not realizing his mother is watching his actions. She stands up and goes to the door. He looks to her confused as she smiles slightly. 

"She needs you" With his still lost gaze, she continues. "The pull in your chest. She is wanting you... Go"

He finds his balance and realizes he is still dressed from last night. He tugs on his shoes and kisses his mother cheek heading out his bedroom door. Making quick to the front door, he gets outside and feels a presence running up to him. Glancing back he finds Jake trying to catch up to him. 

"What are you doing Jake?"

"What else... Going to see the Roman sisters with you."

Colton stops and turns to put his hand on his chest. Jake raises a brow waiting for his best friend to explain his actions. "I'm serious Jake, why?"

A pause stretches out before he answers him. "I care about them"

Colton studies him for a moment trying to see any sign of deceit before nodding his head. He turns back around and continues his run to their home. The sunrise is shining in the sky when they arrive at the door. Jake goes to knock when the door flies open. Tara standing there grinning. Colton watches as Jake's eyes soften seeing the little sunshine they have come to adore. She jumps wide arms to wrap around them both. Both boys smiling and chuckling as she releases them. She pulls back and in a flash is flanked by two other Romans. Nessa and Kacia both have narrowed eyes on Jake. 

Jake gulps seeing the other sisters focus remaining on him. Colton pats his shoulder and gently pushes through the sisters. They allow him to move through them. He turns back to his best friend to give a smirk before bounding up the stairs. He hears Jake yell traitor followed by some giggles. Their voices fading away as he makes it to the door that has a delicious scent wafting from it. He knocks on it gently and hears a soft come in. Opening the door, he finds his beautiful mate still laying in bed with her eyes looking tired. 

Belle smiles weakly at her incredible mate. She tries to lift her body but fails miserably. The evening's events still having a toll on her. He is quick to her bedside making her reach for him. He understands and sits on the bed facing her before leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her lips. They both stay like that for a moment before the clearing of a throat pulls Colton back. Standing in the door way to what he presumes is the bathroom is Grace. A towel in her hands as she smiles amused at him. 

Colton couldn't help but scratch the back of his neck in nervousness. Grace however just walks over to kiss Belle's head and shocks Colton by kissing his forehead as well. She leaves without any words. His eyes remaining on the door for a moment surprised by her actions. She didn't seem concerned with him in here. 

"Colton, come lay with me."

Her voice was hoarse but he was quick to pull of his shoes and crawl in the bed under the covers to pull her form to his. A content sigh leaving her as she laid her head in the crescent of his neck. Her breath fanning his neck making a shiver run down his spine. His arms wrapping around her protectively and the tightening like vines. Her leg found it's way between his and he smiles enjoying the position. 

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