Chapter 37: Contain & Released

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Colton slams his hand down as his father narrows his eyes at him from across the table. Only two elders have remained. The others have left to inform the others. It is clear there is going to be a war however the Elders wish to stop as many killings as possible. They want to meet with Alpha Talson first to see if a deal can be struck. 

"Son, we need-"

Colton pushes off the table marching out of the room. The doors slamming on the walls as he makes an exit. His father shouting at him having no effect. His mate has now been gone an entire day. His wolf gnawing at him want to break free. He makes his way directly to the infirmary doors. Standing outside the door with arms crossed is his Beta. His eyes snapping up and Colton can see his jaw is clenched and his eyes holding his fury barely at bay. 

"What happened?"

Colton doesn't answer as he strolls into the room. His mother no longer sitting beside the bed however the man he has come to know is fond of Grace is sitting in his mother's previously occupied seat. Grace leaning against the head board as her head turns to him. Colton walks over giving a small nod to the man before sitting down on the edge of the bed taking Grace's hand. She grips it back giving him a look to tell her what is going on. He can feel Jake come to stand beside him as well. 

"The Elders are wanting to try to make a treaty first. They won't allow a war to occur if they can prevent it."

Grace closes her eyes for a moment before snapping them back open. A flame lighting her eyes he has never seen before. She moves the blankets off of her even as Thaddeus reaches to stop her. Her eyes turning to him with a silent warning. He retracts his hand slowly still keeping his eyes locked with hers. She slowly stands up and Jake comes to stand beside her just in case. Her eyes turning back to Colton. 

"I'm going after my girls. Are you coming?"

"Yes" Both Jake & Colton say without any hesitation. Colton raises a brow out Jake. Grace looks to the young man as well. He doesn't further explain. All heads turn to Thaddeus whose eyes lock with Grace before he gives a nod. 

Grace straightens herself and tilts her head cracking her neck. She begins to walk away. Her steps getting stronger as she continues to walk. They make it to the doors of the infirmary to find Penny standing there. Her eyes looking on the group worried. 

"Grace, please just-"

"Would you wait if it was Colton?" Grace cuts her off. Penny's gaze going to her son. She lowers her head in understanding before looking back up to Grace. 

"Just be careful Grace."

Grace gives a nod and steps forward to embrace Penny. After a moment, Penny releases her as she walks away. Thaddeus close behind along with Jake. Last is Colton who hesitates for a moment as he searches his mothers face. A single tear rolls down her cheek before she comes forward hugging him dearly. He holds her equally as tight. 

"I love you son"

"Love you too mom"

He kisses her temple before following the group. They make it to the entrance of the pack house. Thaddeus ushers Grace into the car. Jake climbs in the back along with Colton. The car instantly taking off. They make it to the gates where a guard stops them. Thaddeus rolls down his window. 

"I'm sorry sir however Alpha's orders that his son is not to leave the property."

"I understand, could you come here?" Thaddeus waves the man to come forward with his hand out the window for a handshake. 

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