Chapter 10: Turning the Tables

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"Where were you Angel?"

Penny sighs knowing how her husband feels about her little trips without any security. She knows he means well but some times she feels like she is suffocated by her guards. Dropping the bag down on the table next to the door, she lifts her gaze to meet her husband. His eyes holding relief. Her heart melting at the sight. She walks forward pulling him down to give him a hug. 

Desmond instinctively places his nose in the crook of her neck inhaling deeply. The scent enveloping him and releasing all previous tension. Her fingers running soothingly through his hair making him almost purr in content. His wife has always been a free spirit. He has learned to never try overpowering her. It ALWAYS ends with him in the dog house and away from his mate. It was a great change to be raised as the Alpha, to learn that even he had someone to answer to. His mate however infuriating she may be is also the only one in this world that can handle him. Meeting Penny was a whirl wind experience. Their love blooming was like a rare flower finding growth even in the harshest conditions. It was easy but he would be damned to find anyone as worthy as her. 

Pulling back, Penny cups his cheeks meeting his piercing gaze before bringing her lips up to meet his. His muscles relaxing from the gesture. She pulls back walking over to the bag by the door and handing her husband the treat she brought. 

"I went out for lunch."

Desmond smells the box and smiles gently. He is aware of the scent since it is one of the few places his wife constantly goes to. 

"You went to Hell's Belles"

"I did" Penny nods with her own smile pulling at her lips. She meets her husband's knowing eyes. 

"And how is your friend?" Penny couldn't suppress her grin at the mention of Grace. 

"She is wonderful as always! Oh honey, I wish you would meet her." 

Desmond could see the joy in his wife's eyes and the grin that shows her beautiful smile. It has been hard for him to come to terms with the fact that his wife has such a close relationship with a witch. His own history playing a big part in why he is so against other kinds. 

"-so tomorrow?"

He snaps back to listening but furrows his eye brows not catching enough to understand. His wife rolls her eyes playfully before repeating herself. 

"I said since you are always so busy, I decided to invite her and her family over."


"Yep" She says walking past him to the kitchen. Desmond trailing behind her ready to interject but she cuts him off. "And don't say we have plans or you can't host them. First, the Northern Crescent pack will not be here for a few more days and second..." She pauses turning back to her husband to make his eyes lock with her. "She means a great deal, not only to me... but to your son." 

Desmond's confusion showing clearly on his face. He steps to his wife while she makes him a glass of tea. Turning around she can see his confused state. She pats his cheek and shakes her head not willing to explain before walking off. 

Watching his wife's retreating form, he takes the heavenly scenting food over to the bar top and plops down before opening it and inhaling deeply. He may not be fond of witches but he couldn't deny how talented this 'Grace' was. Her food always made his stomach grumble from the aroma. Taking a bite, he was not disappointed. The Manhattan melted on his tongue giving him time to moan in satisfaction. He closed his eyes imagining how well tomorrow nights dinner was going to go.

"Mom, Dad"

"Your mom is upstairs Colton"

Colton walked into the kitchen seeing his father sitting on a stool eating some kind of delicious smelling food. He walked over to the fridge grabbing out a bottle of water before standing opposite to his dad. They haven't really talked since their fight so Colton it was best to break the tension. 

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