Chapter 35: Invaders

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Colton had returned along with Jake later that evening since the sisters did not want to separate... Even though he did not wish to. Jake was smiling, a genuine smile, the whole run home. Colton had asked him as to what has caused it, his answer was a simple... 'a piece of heaven.' They both returned as his father asked if the family would be joining them in the morning. Both young men giving a solid nod as Desmond requested a private conversation with his son. Jake took that as his queue to disperse. 

"Is your mate alright?"

"She is well. She wanted to be with her sister's this evening."

"Son, you are aware you will have to talk with her about her living arrangements-"

"When and what I discuss with her is my business and mine alone." Colton says cutting off his father with a clipped tone.

Desmond straightens his spine and raises his chest looking to his son. "You both will be safer with her here, you know this."

"I do." He says nodding his head keeping eye contact. "However I dare anyone to attack that house and survive."

He left his dad standing there while making his way to his room. Desmond's eyes following his form. A mix of pride and frustration oozing from him. A soft hand to his waist and a body form to his side makes sparks dance along him. He looks down to her green eyes giving him a soft smile. 

"Let it go" 

Penny interlaces her fingers with Desmond and leads him up to their room. All begin to lay down for the evening not aware of the dangers that are upon them. The four sisters all laying in one bed while Grace lays down with a smile knowing her girls are home. 

That is until a soft sound resonates in her room. She turns her head to find someone and before she screams, the person injects her arm and her vision goes black. Her body landing with a thud on her bedroom floor. Nessa's head snapping up from it's sleep hearing the sound. She looks around at her sisters that are all perfectly asleep before gently nudging Kacia. The wolf's eyes shining brightly before blinking rapidly to return to their chocolate tone. Nessa holds her finger to her lips. Her eyes turning red making Kacia nod and blink as her eyes turn vibrant once again. 

Kacia follows her sister as they slowly lift themselves from the comfort of the bed. Their eyes locked on the door before slowly peeling it open. Nessa and Kacia both smelling the odd scents lingering. There are multiples. Nessa allows for her teeth to elongate and Kacia feels her nails sharpen. The creaking of a board makes Nessa whip into speed down throwing Grace's door open. A man already has a gun pointed at her. She weaves dodging the dart but his assailant shot another dart as she made contact with the first intruder. The dart lodged into her arm making her freeze momentarily. A loud growl making her look to the door. She finds Kacia fighting off someone else. 


Kacia turns her head even as it is pinned to the floor to find Belle standing in front of a wide eyed Tara. Belle feels her blood run cold finding all these intruders evading her home. Kacia pinned to the ground as a person dressed in black injects her making her body go limp. Looking up she finds someone stepping out of her mother's room with a slumped Nessa within her arms. 


Her body begins creating fire but a scream from behind her makes her turn to find Tara being held with a needle at her neck. Before she can react a pinch to her arm makes her whip her head finding a dart in her arm. Her last sight being that of Tara whimpering before all fades to darkness. 

The group of intruders all lift each of the girls including their mother before making a swift exit. Not wasting time. They go into a van that fades away into the night. The door the home left open in their haste. Not realizing what a grave mistake they are in for. As they were told to retrieve a family of woman. They did not know the family was mix and could not keep their minds from wondering why they were to retrieve this group. 

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