Chapter 31: Rising to the Challenge

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Jezabelle smiles as Colton holds one of her hands leading her through the woods. The rest of the pack joining in as they all laugh and rejoice while the full moon begins to rise. The night sky clear of all obstructions allowing the evening stars to light up the night. Belle's on energy feeding off the energy surrounding her. Everyone young and old walking through the woods before coming to a clearing. 

Belle's eyes wandering over everyone in the vicinity. Jake comes over wrapping his arm around Colton's shoulder making him lose his balance making Belle chuckle. Colton shrugs him off before wrapping both arms around Belle kissing her temple. Her eyes closing momentarily enjoy the warmth of his kiss seeping into her. 

"Did you tell her what would happen?" Jake says looking between the pair. 

"Not yet-"

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE!" Desmond claps his hands while standing in the center of the group. Everyone going silent to listen to his words. The Elders standing behind the Alpha couple. "The moon will be at it's peak in a few minutes. We have a few newcomers that will be staying back with your Luna and future Luna. The rest will head with myself and Colton."

Hoots and hollers are heard all around but Belle is confused. She turns looking to Colton who is looking upset. She cups his cheek leaning up to kiss his jaw. "I will see you soon love."

Colton sighs and grips her tighter to his frame before kissing her hard. He wasn't aware that his father was not going to allow Belle to come. Jake pats his shoulder making Colton turn to him. He then finds his father walking towards them as if sensing his frustration. 


"You said Belle could run with me." Colton cuts him off. Desmond sighs before glancing down to the blonde beauty and looking back to his son. 

"It will be wiser for her to remain with your mother and the young ones." 

"Why?" He says in a low growl as him arms tighten around her. 

"The Elders want to see how she handles the Luna duties. This is what your mother does on each run." 

"Colton, it's okay..." Belle says gently making him huff. She turns enough to peck his cheek before moving his arms allowing her to walk over to Penny. The woman beams at her with a wide smile. Her eyes glowing yellow brightly. 

"Alright my future Luna, these our young wolves." Penny says gesturing to the group of young children around her. 

Belle looks to find roughly a dozen young kids. The oldest looking to be around 12 and the youngest being around 5. A bouncy girl Belle recognizes running to her legs. She smiles down gently rubbing her hair down. Penny watches as the kids take to Belle with a fond smile. 

"Now only two will be shifting and the others will being heading back to the pack house until everyone returns later." Belle nods her head in understanding. "I will be remaining with the two to make sure their first transition is as painless as possible."

"So I will be in charge of the ten to take back."

"Yes, now our Beta's wife-" Another dark brunette walks up giving her a slight bow. Belle smiles and nods her head back. "will be joining you."

"It's nice to meet you future Luna."

"Thank you Mrs..." 

"Kreitel, Jane Kreitel." 

"It's lovely to meet you Mrs. Kreitel."

The full moon rises and all the heads turn to the dark sky. The sounds of bones snapping all around Belle making her look around. She then remembers that Kacia's transition is seemingly quick but most people here are not as quick as her. She begins feeling more hands around her and realize the young ones are clinging to her as they watch their loved one's shifting. 

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