Chapter 11: Dinner

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"Belle, do I need to climb in to drag you out?"

Grace ask her daughter with amusement. They have parked their car and have began to get out however her golden beauty seemed to be frozen in her seat. After a minute she reaches in touching Belle's shoulder who whips her head to her mom. She can see the fear in her eyes however Grace just takes her hand helping her out. Her sisters quickly flanking her.

Kacia remained by Belle's side while Tara stayed close to Nessa. It was not that Tara was scared, quite the contrary, she was enthralled looking at the exterior of the large home. Nessa however was extremely concerned about the community learning of her and her sister's 'heritage'. Tara stayed by her to comfort her even when she put on a brave facade. Her eyes continuously darting around. 

Grace let out a deep breath looking around. She could see some people passing by stopping to look at them. It was not everyday that witches or vampires were permitted on pack territory. She could understand their curiosity. What didn't settle with her was the two guards that felt the need to keep close by. She felt as if they were expecting them to attack. She attempted to shrug it off and focused on leading her daughters to the home. 

Reaching the door, the guards knock and not even a moment later, the door swings open with a smiling Penny. She is quick to step forward pulling Grace into a firm hug. Grace holds her beautiful friend for a moment before releasing her. Penny was always a phenomenon to her. It was not every day that other kinds met her with no judgement. Penny was from a rare pack that was open to others. 

Penny turned from her friend to see the group of four young ladies behind her. They were all very unique in their features. Not one looking like the other but all dressed impeccably. She recognized only the young raven vampire from yesterday. Her dark hair was now curled and she seemed to be ready for any oncoming attack. The young brunette attached to her was beaming brightly. Her brunette hair was in gentle waves with her large chocolate eyes looking around curiously. Turning to the other two,  the first had long brown hair that was down to her waist. She had catlike eyes and full lips. She could sense her as another wolf along with the subtle golden glint in her eyes. Her arm was around the waist of the final girl. 

The last of the group truly was a beauty. Golden hair that gleams in the light of sunset. Her eyes holding the color of the ocean with its never ending depths and as large as a doll. She resembled Grace the most and gave off a powerful aurora of a witch. Grace's smile widen realizing who this was. The girl seemed to be frightened if her hold on the she wolf was any indication. She turned back to her friend and turned sideways gesturing for them to come in. 

"Welcome to our home ladies. Please, come in." 

Grace smiled and walked in followed by Nessa and Tara then Kacia and Belle. The maid at the door taking their jackets while looking over each of them questionably. She however did not dare question her queen and walked away without a word. Tara was attempting to look around while Nessa held her in place. Penny ushered them into the living room where the girls continued glancing around cautiously. It was clear that they weren't the most comfortable being here. Penny smiled realizing how this may be their first time in werewolf territory.

"Penny, let me introduce you to my daughters." Grace says turning to each of them as she nods to each individual. "You have met my eldest daughter, Nessa. Next to her is my baby girl Tara. Kacia is my second eldest and beside her is my second baby-"

"Jezabelle." Penny says smiling brightly to the young beauty. Belle smiles but Penny can tell she is nervous. "It is a pleasure to meet you all." 


All turn around at the sound of a familiar voice. Belle gets up and is quick to run into her mate's awaiting arms. He holds her tightly looking over her shoulder to his mother who's eyes are glistening with happiness. He closes his eyes and continues holding his sensational mate to his frame. His wolf purring at how her body curves into his. 

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