Chapter 42: Romeo & Juliet

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"Ms. Roman? May I speak with you after class?"

Belle nods her head just as the bell rings. Everyone begins packing up their bags and filing out of the room. Tara kisses her cheek before heading towards the door. Belle sighs heavily figuring she was going to receive the same speech she has received by all her teachers so far. The three sisters all have returned to classes after  a week hiatus after the whole incident. 

Gathering her strength, she walks up standing up to the woman who is smiling at her. She gestures for Jezabelle to take a seat which she does without question. The teacher comes up holding out a paper to her. Jezabelle takes it looking over what it is before her hand freezes. It was a copy of her aspect of the tale between Romeo and Juliet. A large 100% is circled up in the right hand corner. Belle can feel her eyes becoming glossy in appreciation. The teacher leans back against her desk watching as the young beauty becomes emotional. 

"I have been teaching for many years now Ms. Roman... I have not changed my syllabus during that time. I can honestly say that this-" She gestures to Belle's work, "was the most enthralling interception of one of the great tales of love that I have ever read."

Belle smiles wobbly happy. She has not had such the welcoming back that this teacher was giving her. "Thank you Mrs. Teagan."

The woman nods her head before standing back up walking back around the desk to gather her papers for next class. Belle takes that as her dismissal as she leaves the classroom with the paper still in hand. Next period being lunch. She walks almost in a trance as her favorite group practically pounces on her. Kacia gives her hug before wrapping her arms around Leo's waist. The man has now transferred into the school and has all the same classes as his mate.  Tara kisses her cheek as Jake throws an arm around her shoulder. 

"What's that Belle?"

Jake quickly snatches it out of her hand and dashing down the hallway waving the paper like he just won something. Tara runs after him yelling his name as he continues cackling like an evil witch. Kacia rolls her eyes and pulls Leo to follow after them. Belle stands there smiling softly at her family. 

Hands begin wrapping around her waist making sparks erupt over her skin before lips meet her neck gently. She leans her head back giving her mate more access to his mark. His nose slowly rubbing the length of her neck. 

"What made my mate so happy hmm?"

Belle just shakes her head still smiling before following the others out. They find them sitting under a tree with the rest of the pack. They all give Belle and Colton nods of their heads in respect as they walk by. They take their spot up against the trunk of the tree with Belle snuggled in between Colton's legs. His arms coming around to hug her to his chest. 

"This is really good Belle!"

Belle and Colton both turn to Tara who is sitting against Jake's side. His arm thrown over her shoulder as she continues holding Belle's paper in her hand. Belle feels a blush as she plays with the grass blades. Colton however is confused. "What is it?"

Jake takes it out of her hand snapping it straight as he dramatically clears his throat. This captures everyone's attention as they turn to him. He stands up still holding the paper in hand before begins reading it. 

Many people find the love story between Romeo and Juliet to either be tragic or truly romantic. Who says it can not be both? I have read the story multiple times and each time have come to the realization that I would not claim it to be either rather both a love like no other but also tragic. To find a love that completely devours you... To transform not only you but the other... It doesn't have to make sense to anyone- Only the pair that's fates were always set to be intertwined. Romeo and Juliet were from two very different worlds but it didn't matter. Whether they chose it or just fell madly by accident, it is evident that they would forever be together. 

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