Chapter 3: Let it all out

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The final bell ringing brings Jezabelle back to the present. Throughout the entire lesson, she could feel the judgmental stares from her fellow classmates. The girls in her class always glaring at her. She couldn't help but grin getting under their skin. The only person that dared to talk to her the entire lesson was the warlock, Davion. She attempted to ignore him much to the green eyed god's pleasure. 

Colton could have ripped the head off the fucking warlock more than once. If it wasn't for his beta keeping him in check each time. All he wanted through the class was to be near her. He could tell she felt something. Her eyes locked with him on multiple occasions. The power her eyes had on him was paralyzing. He could breath in her scent endlessly. It was addicting and seeing Davion attempting to approach her on more than one occasion continued to make his blood boil. The dipshit kept sending him cocky smirks before walking over to her. The only thing that stopped him from getting murdered was the fact that his beauty didn't even bat an eyelash at him. 

Finding her sisters already in Kacia's car, she made her way over as Tara had her helmet in her hands. She kissed her cheek taking the helmet walking back over to her black beauty letting her fingers leisurely run over the steel. Pulling her eyes away from her baby she catches the eyes again of Colton who is standing near a black truck with a longing look. Her body warms at his intense stare and she can't pull her eyes away. 

"Come on Belle! Mom's expecting us!" 

She blinks climbing onto her bike finally tearing her eyes away from his emerald pair. She puts her helmet on and kicks the kickstand back up while revving her baby to life. She winks at Kacia and takes off leaving an alpha with the urge to follow her. Kacia catches his eyes momentarily with a confused look before following her sister out of the parking lot. 

"Dude, quit staring." 

"Fuck you"

Jake erupts into laughter at the sight of his best friend. Colton has never really taken an interest in girls. It wasn't that he didn't see them, it's just he always saved himself for his mate. He didn't want to be with anyone except the one that was meant to be his. What a fucking surprise to find that person is a witch. Someone he was sworn to never be with. 

"Get in Tate, we got a meeting with your dad. Then we can go for a run." 

With a heavy sigh, Colton climbs into his truck while still picturing his goddess straddling that bike. He felt himself getting hard just by the mental picture. Groaning he started up the truck only earning some more chuckles by his friend. After a nudge to the shoulder, he pulls out of the parking lot heading to the pack house. 

Tara's eyes followed Jezabelle's form as she glided through the traffic with the ease of an expert. Kacia still lost in her thoughts picturing the look the alpha had on his face. It didn't make sense. His eyes held adoration and lust for Belle. Shaking the thoughts away for now, she will talk to Belle when they are alone. They pulled in to Hell's Belles parking lot and parked next to the bike before climbing out. 

Jezabelle felt her body relax finally being away from the school. Walking into their mom's bar, the workers welcome them with friendly greetings or waves as they pass to her office. Tara squeals running over to the bar where Nessa is currently stocking the liquor for the night. Hearing the familiar sound, Nessa whips around with a grin and braces for impact. Kacia took the opportunity to walk up next to Belle clearing her throat. Her sister's catlike eyes snapping to her. 

"Soo... anything interesting happen at school?"

Belle could see the gleam in her eyes telling her she knows something. She sighs knowing she couldn't lie to her sisters. It was a rule they had. Glancing back to make sure no one was near she turned back to her sister. 

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