Chapter 44:Ceremony

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3 Months Later

Belle straightened her sweaty palms down her dress yet again. Her heart beat nervously as her mind continued to drift over everything that could go wrong. What if she falls? What if someone attacks? What if he-


She snaps her attention back looking at the amber eyes of her sister. Kacia kneels beside her while Nessa finishes her hair. Tara has already ran off with Jake somewhere in the house. Kacia took her hands into her own feeling the slight moisture before smirking playfully. 

"You have no reason to be nervous sis" Belle just scoffs which only makes Kacia smile that much more fondly. "They love you Belle, have you not seen the way they act towards you?"

"Seriously Bells... even I can see it." Nessa chimes tucking the last of her hair into place before patting her shoulders signaling she is done. Belle's eyes going to the mirror in awe. Her sisters really knew how to make her beautiful. She tilts her head to look at the gold thin wiring that was intricately weaved into her hair. "You look beautiful..."

Nessa's soft words making her blush looking down. This only receives soft giggles from the elder sisters. Kacia pats her knee before standing back up. Belle slowly stands looking at the golden goddess in the mirror still not believing her eyes. Kacia comes behind her helping straight the necklace that falls neatly in place. Her finger gently touching the pendant. A golden yin and yang symbol which their mother gifted her symbolizing the union of two halves to a whole. 

After a moment of staring at herself, they jumped as a knock resonated on the door. Grace pops her head in making all girls rush over. Their mother giggles softly hugging back her treasures before slowly releasing them. Her eyes falling to her little golden beauty before she sighed in an awe. 

Behind her stood a tall young man who only had eyes for Kacia. She grinned and walked to him as he smirked bringing her into his arms. Nessa faked gag for a moment but Leo bowed slightly offering his other arm to the eldest sister. With a roll of her eyes and smile, Nessa took as he ushered the pair out. Belle couldn't help but shake her head with an amused smile. 

The last three months have definitely brought about a lot of changes. First and for most, their mother was now an a relationship with the former Coven leader, Thaddeus. He has made an effort to not only show his attentions to her but also earn the favor of all the Roman daughters. Tara already loves him, Kacia has warmed up to him, Belle is still cautious but their mother's happiness means more than anything... and Nessa, well she just threatened him if he fucked up. 

Tara and Jake have become the inseparable duo. It was questioned whether or not they were mates to Jake but he just shakes his head almost sadly. He says he feels something for her but not what the mate bond should be. That doesn't make him care for her any less. On several occasions in school, he has been caught trying to pummel some classmates for snide remarks made towards her. Tara is the only one that can pull him back from going over the edge. They are always together and Nessa has given up trying to stop it. She has now trust him to watch over her. 

Nessa has been acting differently lately. Her eyes always searching around like she is looking for something. Nessa confessed to her sister that she can feel something. She believes her vampiress is soon to meet her match. The family is excited but also nervous. It has been two weeks now but nothing so far. 

Kacia and Leo have been on each other like rabbits much to the sisters dismay. Nessa and him got into a tussle a while back but through that, she proved herself to him and visa versa. He still feels his wolf try to come to the surface every once in awhile around her but he understands she means absolutely no harm to him or his mate. Kacia still hasn't come to tell him of her 'heritage'. She is nervous of how he is to react but knows that soon she will need to. He can't be kept in the dark if they are to last. 

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