Chapter 13: Temptress

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Colton couldn't suppress the grin seeing Belle roll into the parking lot. He could see her long legs stretch as she swung it over to get off the bike. His eyes following the black clad length of her body. His chest rumbling with a growl of satisfaction. She had boots that went almost to her knee. Her black jeans showing every sexy curve and framing her voluptuous ass. Her leather jacket giving her entire outfit a biker feel. Her long blonde hair straight hanging out of the helmet. 

A wolf whistle makes his head snap away from his delectable mate. He then finds the entire parking lot is not the only one appreciating the view. A growl erupts from his throat as he strides to her. Glancing around he notices most have turned their eyes away. Some still remain staring complete hypnotized by her. She whips of her helmet shaking her head like she just stepped out of a shampoo commercial. Her eyes land on him as he closes the distance between them. 

Belle felt like trying out a new attire today that Kacia helped put together. The pants were hers but the jacket came from Nessa's collection. It took less than a minute of her eyes adjusting to the brightness to find Colton standing in front of her. She smiled brightly until she saw the thin line of his lips and the clenched jaw. He doesn't appear to be stopping as she places her helmet on the seat of the bike. 

Colton couldn't stand how all these boys were looking at what is his. She may not be marked but he would be damned before he let someone else attempt to take her. She was his. End of discussion. Her long blonde hair swayed in the wind while her glacier eyes locked onto him. His hand came up gripping the nape of her neck as he crashed his lips to hers with no hesitation. The kiss staked his claim on her and he will make sure everyone knew who she belonged to. 

Belle was slightly shocked but couldn't resist the feeling only he could evoke. She quickly returned the kiss making him groan against her lips. She decide to take it one step further and jumped wrapping her lips around his waist. His other hand is quick to wrap around her waist hugging her to his frame. 

Colton couldn't stop his body from responding to her actions. His lower anatomy immediately enjoying her submission to him. Her legs wrapped like a vine around him giving him to many images. Her lips still dancing on his own with a fire enough to burn a forest to the ground. Her own breathy moans escaping. 


Belle slows down the make-out session hearing Kacia's voice. Still being held by Colton she wraps both arms around his neck while relaxing her forehead against his with closed eyes. His heavy breathing being the only heard between them. She pecks his nose making him chuckle before she pulls back looking at his emerald eyes. She could get lost in those eyes alone. 

Colton continued holding his world securely in his arms. She was his trophy and damn to anyone who attempted to take her. He took a quick glance around to find everyone looking at them but no longer with lustful gazes. More just have wide eyes by the scene they just created. 

"If I would have known this would be your reaction, I would have chosen something else."

Colton smirked turning his attention back to Belle. Kacia comes beside them kissing Belle on the cheek followed by Tara doing the same. They begin walking into the school before Kacia turns yelling over her shoulder. 

"No she wouldn't have!"

Belle chuckles as Colton begins walking into the school. Her legs still wrapped around her mate enjoying the tingles coursing through her body. Her eyes remained locked on him not caring who all stares. His eyes continuing staring into her depths and capturing her a prisoner to their power. 

"My little temptress"

Belle smiles widely leaning down to kiss him again as they hear a loud sigh coming from behind them. Each turn to the sound finding Jake pouting. 

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