Chapter 19: Mate Bond

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Desmond's head snaps up hearing the door slam open to the house. His wife also looking up from her spot on the couch. The stomping of feet are made evident making them raise from the comfortable position in the living room.

"Dude, can you just chill?!"

Both the couple hear Jake's loud voice but no reply. A moment later their son comes in the living huffing and it is clear he is trying to control his wolf.

"Jake, leave us."

Jake bows his head in respect to his alpha before walking out of the living room. Penny slowly walks up to Colton to find his eyes shifting rapidly back and forth. She gently raises her hands and cups his cheeks making his wild eyes train on her. She slowly breathes in her nose and out her mouth and watches as Colton mimics  her actions. Desmond watches as his wife helps calm down their son before he begins speaking to him.

Colton can still feel his wolf pacing in his mind but his mother is helping control him from charging forward. After a moment of focusing on her, he feels his muscles relax and his mother steps back as his father comes to stand beside her wrapping an arm around her waist. He almost feels his wolf whine before growling at the fact that we are not near our mate.

"Son, what happened?"

Penny ask gently trying to not upset him further. She watches as he begins pacing back and forth.

"Belle is in trouble, and I can't-"

"What do you mean? Is she hurt?!"

Penny cuts him off with wide eyes and concern lacing her features.

"No, well... I don't think so." He stops and his gaze locks on his dad. "We were attacked coming home from our date... warlocks."

Penny looks up to her husband to find him staring at his son but his jaw is clenched. She rubs his chest helping to ease the tension in his body. Desmond sighs before placing his hand on top of hers while his other hand still remains firmly around her waist.

"Come sit Colton, I need to know what all occurred."

So he reluctantly took a seat and began telling them about the events leading up to his and Jake's arrival. Both his parents remain quiet throughout while listening intently to know the extent of the problem. By the time he finishes his mother grins widely leaving him baffled. Why on earth is she-


She squeals out loudly and he huffs while a small smile tugs at his lips. He nods his head while his mother tackles him in a hug. He falls back as she continues squeezing him happily. They pull back and she cups his face with a glistening eyes.

"My boy has found his other half."

She smiles before turning to her husband. He does not share the same happy expression. His brows are pulled together and his mouth is sat in a straight line. His eyes downcast to the ground. Colton waits to see his reaction however Penny is having none of that. She turns narrowed eyes on to him. 


"Was she alright from the mark?"

Colton instantly becomes confused but answers. "Yes"


Penny snaps at her husband who turns to look at her followed by Colton. He takes a deep breath getting up from the couch while Penny and Colton's eyes remained trained on him. He begins walking around the room. 

"We don't know what this means. Like we have said, this is the first time the moon goddess had blessed a union between two different... species." 

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