Chapter 22: Elders

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Desmond reached over finding the other side of his bed empty and cold. Opening his eyes, he looks around to realize she never came to bed last night. He sighs before sitting up and rolling his neck and shoulders to release the tension. He was up half the night trying to figure out what exactly occurred with the witch Tara. He sat with his wife by their son's bed hoping he would wake up. He told her to come to bed and let Colton rest and he remembers her saying she would be right in... Clearly not. He opens the door to their room to smell an amazing aroma that instantly makes him smile. The incredible scent could only be from one thing.

"Love, what are you cooking?"

Penny looked over her shoulder before turning back to the stove. Desmond sauntered up behind his delectable mate before wrapping his arms around her. Her head naturally falling back on his shoulder as his head finds the crescent of her neck. Her mark a beautiful accent to her soft neck. Kissing the mark earns a shiver making Desmond smirk against her skin.

"Smells delicious"

"It's your favorite"

"I wasn't talking about the food"

His words whispered while his lips continue grazing the length of her neck. She turns off the stove turning around in his arms. Her arms wrapping around his neck. Desmond can't help but grin as he leans down to kiss her. Going in for the kiss, the are interrupted with the door bell ringing.

"Go answer that"

Desmond releases her after quickly pecking her lips. Walking to the front door, he looks through the peep hole and releases a deep breath. He schools his features before opening the door.

"Alpha Tate"


"May we come in?"

Desmond moves aside as Penny comes around the corner out of the kitchen. Her eyes widening at the sight of two lanky gentlemen. One is tall and broad with his hair slicked back, the other is tall however slender and has silver hair. Penny instantly realized whom they are... The Elders.

"Mrs. Tate"


Penny leads the men to the living room before taking a seat next to Desmond. His hand instantly coming to her knee as her hand clutches his arm. The two Elders stand in front of them.

"We apologize for coming unannounced however the matter was of great importance and required immediate attention. We were reported that certain... incidents have occurred." 

Mr. Tall and Broad spoke up cutting off Mr. Silver. "First was that Raven Talson was threatened by a rogue and was not offered protection by members of your pack. We will need to speak to your son to here his recollection of this incident."

"He is currently away" Penny answers.

"Do you know if this is true Alpha Tate?"

Penny slowly rubs her hand up and down his arms. His body relaxing at the gentle touch. He composes himself before answering.

"I believe that Mrs. Talson was over stepping her boundaries in regards to our son and his mate-"

"So your son has found his mate?" Mr. Silver questioned. 

"Yes he has" Penny speaks up straightening her spine. She is aware where this conversation is heading.

"When will she be introduced to the pack?"

"The next full moon" Desmond says gripping Penny's knee trying to calm her.

"We were also told that she is not a werewolf, is this true?" Mr. Tall and Broad asked with a raised brow.

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