Chapter 18: No Empty Threats

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Colton decided to bring her back shortly after due to her getting tired. It was natural for a mark to exhaust a mate. He would have been as well however due to the fact that she was not a werewolf, he had no mark to bare on his neck. 

She laid her head back barely able to keep her eyes open while his hand drew slow circles on her thigh. She had a relaxed smile on her face while she could feel new emotions she wasn't expecting to feel. The moment he sunk his teeth in, she felt pain... excruciating pain. It quickly dissolved into a feeling of utter bliss. When he released her, she could feel his pride. It was then she realized how much he wanted to do that. She wasn't expecting it but she wasn't upset either. 

There blissful moment is thrown out the window as a tree collapses on the road in front of them. Colton is quick to react slamming on the brake making the truck screech trying to halt. His arm quickly coming up to brace her as they both go forward. He parks the truck before glancing around. His eyes gleaming golden as he scans the area for the cause of the tree. His eyes seeing a handful of boys hiding near the tree line. His wolf coming out growling lowly at the threat.

Belle can tell Colton is on edge and she brings her hand up to rub his arm that is still placed in front of her protectively. His growling minimizing but not disappearing. He goes to get out but not before Belle tugs on his hand. He turns for her to grip his neck giving him a kiss telling him to be careful. 

He gets out and not even a moment later all the men come out from the tree line. Four men to be exact. One of which he recognizes and his wolf roars loudly. He walks over with a smug look on his face. 

"Well hello Colton! What a surprise to see you here!"

His mocking tone making his wolf want to transform just to rip his head off. A door opening and closing brings him back as Belle comes over to stand beside him. Her face full of confusion looking to the group of guys. 

"Davion? What are you doing?"

He smirks and his leisurely runs over her body. Colton almost charged forward if it wasn't for Belle holding his arm back. The other guys doing the same making Belle's skin crawl. Davion looked smug until his eyes landed on her neck. His eyes turning hard and deadly. 


He yells out as Belle stands tall, holding her head high. 

"He is my mate, and he is no dog..." She releases his arm instantly knowing what would happen. "He is my Alpha."

With that Colton smirked before transforming into his wolf. The guys watch on with slight fear. Davion goes to hurl a fire ball but a wall of dirt halts his movement yet again. One of the other guys moves his hands sideways and the dirt wall is ripped sideways. As soon as he does, the werewolf pounces attacking one of them. The unknown guy begins screaming while the others begin to run. Davion remains breathing fire now. All his anger focused on the stupid mutt. 

He goes to make a fireball again but can't. He looks to his hand and watches as a whirlwind is sucking all the air from his palms. He looks up and sees Belle focusing on him. His eyes going wide in realization. It can't be?! She can control more than earth! 

His thoughts are cut off when a loud snarl erupts next to him. He snaps his eyes to the side to see the wolf pounce on him pinning him to the ground. He fights but in vein. The wolf can easily over power him. His teeth on full display as he snarls in his face. His eyes going wide as he body freezes completely terrified. 


Just like that both Davion and Colton's heads snap to Belle. She walks over before placing a hand on the wolf's back. Colton slowly releases his position on top of Davion. The boy still frozen in a state of shock. He watches as Belle steps close before kneeling beside him. 

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