Chapter 20: The Coven

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"Ms. Roman, do you understand why you are here?"

Belle glances around the circular room. The faces of people she has never met before sitting around her. Encircling her as she stand in the middle of a platform. She only recalls being in a place like this once before. She was very young and it was right before her mother moved them cross country. 

After getting Colton to leave the area, the sheriff was called who understood that this was an issue out of his control. He then called the head of the Coven whom was quick to the scene and directed the family to the Coven's hall. Nessa and Tara would not implemented which she was grateful for. It was enough that her mother and Kacia were getting questioned. Her eyes then turn to the pair. Kacia and Grace are holding each other while a few of the warlocks stand guard. 

"Yes sir"

She says as her eyes look to the man. It is the man to his left that seems to be fuming. She looks to him and doesn't recognize him however can feel the hatred rolling off of him in waves. His eyes are deadly and his lips are pulled into a sneer. She remembers what her mother said about this meeting. 

"Keep your answers to a minimum and do not understand any circumstances show them you are gifted in all elements. They will challenge you... you can NOT give in. Do you understand Belle?"

"We have already question your mother, Grace Roman, and your... sister." The man says glancing to the she wolf herself. Belle grits her teeth and stands straight. "Kacia Roman."

"Yes sir"

"According to the story we were told. Davion Wright along with Pete Jordan, Tylan James, and Carter Thomas attacked you and your sister."

"I am unsure of all their names sir but yes sir, my sister and I were doing an evening walk." She says glancing to Kacia. 

"You were dressed in that for an evening stroll?" The man says gesturing to her date apparel. She nods her head. 

"I wanted to feel good, so my sister helped me." 

The man goes silent for a moment before asking his next question carefully. "They attacked you and your sister then attacked to protect you?"

"They attempted to drop a tree on top of us. She was merely protecting me." 

At this the man to his left stands up pointing a finger at Belle. 


"Charles, sit down" The other man speaks trying to settle the fuming man. This however does nothing while the other man steps forward aggressively. Belle sees at the corner of her eye Kacia's eyes shifting as she heaves. Her mother holding her back from charging forward to protect her yet again. 


"My sister protected me and in the process killed a young man. I am unaware of his name." 


"Sir, I apologize I do not know who your son is."

"My son is Davion Wright! The man who was suffocated!!!" He roars while the man holds him back. Belle remains unfazed looking to him confused. 

"I am sorry for your son's death but I do not have the power to kill your son sir." 


"Charles! Either calm yourself or I will be forced to remove you from the chambers!"

The enraged man breathes deeply trying to not charge at the woman responsible for murdering her son. The other man turns back around to the blonde witch. 

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