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Tara squealed as Jake chased her with laughter. His laughter making her insides turn and the butterflies erupt in her chest. She allowed him to catch her for a moment with a smile on her lips. His arms wrapping around her as his chin laid on top of hers. 

"Gotcha Sunshine"

She grinned before blinking and they instantly transported away from the celebration of her sister and Colton. They landed and Jake instantly let her go as he usually does when she transports him. She turned around as he looked around getting his bearings to realize they are in his room. She has admitted that she likes his room. It brings a sense of peace to her which made him smile. He fell back sighing loudly as his little sunshine giggled and jumped onto his bed. 

He laid back for a moment just staring at the ceiling with a gentle smile on his lips. His wolf smiling just as much as him. He has wondered for some time for the way he feels to her but it wasn't the same thing as a mate bond. He's been told how it would feel when he meets his mate. He's seen how it is like with Colton and Jezabelle. He can't deny he feels something for Tara. It would be an obvious lie. 

Getting up he climbs on the bed laying beside her. Her head coming to lay against his shoulder as he smiles down at her. They both look up to the ceiling while Tara's fingers trace his hand. Some time passes in complete silence and before she knows it Tara's eyes close. 

Tara looks around and all she finds is never ending darkness. She steps forward looking around trying to see anything. That is when she falls tumbling as she screams only nothing comes out. Turning to her side, she finds her sister Kacia. 

"All bow to your Royal Queen"

Tara is looking through Kacia's eyes as she stands at the front of a large room where hundreds and hundreds are bowing to one knee. Kacia looked to her right to find Leo holding her hand up as he looks to her with utter love. He then bows and Kacia closes her eyes. 

The vision goes black before a light to her other side makes her turn. She watched on finding her eldest sister with blood red eyes infront of an unknown man who is clearly bleeding on the ground. Tara is pulled into Nessa's eyes as she looks down at the man. Nessa turns him over before biting at her wrist harshly and pressing her bleeding wrist to the man's lips. Tara gets a good look at the man as Nessa gently brushes his hair back off his forehead. 

"You can't leave me now..."

The next clip appears to be of Jezabelle with a very swollen stomach as she waddles out to a car. Colton trying to lift her but Jezabelle is threatening him. Tessa then looks through Belle's eyes. Colton is pleading her to let him carry her. She gives in as a sharp pain goes through Belle's whole body. Her cursing profanity at him as he tells Jake to drive quickly. Colton's soft words of assurance helping some in calming Belle before another rough pain runs through her making Tara gasp from the pain. 

"We can do this love..."

The last scene is of Jake. Tara feels her heart break as she looks onto him. He is on his knees as he screams out in pain. Tara watches as a vision of herself runs to him holding him tightly as he cries out in agony. He doesn't hold her back but she continues to hold him regardless as the tears never stop coming down his face. His face going into her neck as her arms finally come around to hold her fiercely. Tara could feel his pain and places her hands to his head to try lessening it. 

His eyes appearing at her... but it is not what she has seen previously. It was deeper and she had never witnessed such a change before. He leans forward towards her. The scene goes black and Tara finally finds her voice as she falls to god only knows where.  

Tara shoots up gasping for air which instantly wakes Jake up as well. He shoots up as his eyes glow amber searching the room for danger. He turns back after finding none as Tara is holding her chest rubbing it gently. He wraps an arm around her as she regulates her breathing. He can hear her heart beating out of her chest. 

"Sunshine, what happened?"

Tara didn't understand. She looked to him as his eyes have settled back to their normal shade. She took a deep breath and didn't know what to say. 

"Just... a dream."

She didn't even believe her own voice but regardless Jake hugged her to his chest making her racing mind smooth out as his scent enveloped her in a secure hold. She remembered his pain and couldn't bring herself to believe it to be true. 

Jake gently laid back with his arms still securely holding his little angel to him. She tucked her head into his chest as he felt her body relaxing against his. He leaned down kissing the top of her head earning a hum in response. He fell back asleep with her safely in his hold. 

Tara kissed his chest gently after knowing he fell asleep just hoping those weren't all visions of the future to be held. Her eyes afraid to shut however the tightening of his arms making her relent to the darkness again.

Only fate could know what would come next. Or what was to be Awaken...

Hell's Belles: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now