Chapter 26: Deals and Threats

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"Alpha Tate?"

Desmond turns around from his window as a member of the pack look to him. He walks over sitting down his drink before sitting in his chair. The full moon is two days away. The Elders are due to be here tomorrow and his wolf has been on edge. The bourbon helping simmer his never ending stream of thoughts. 

"There is a Ms. Roman here to see you. May I send her up?"

This peaked his interest. He nods and watches as the member walks away. He waits patiently to see which one of the girls comes through the door. Taking the small glass, he takes another sip before sighing out. His nostrils flare as the scent invades him. His wolf going on the defense. His eyes lock with the dark eyes before the spark red momentarily. He watches as she gives a nod to his gamma before he exits. He closes the door on his way out and she takes a long moment to decide whether or not to come sit in the chair in front of his desk. He can tell she is on edge being here. He waves his hand to the seat and watches as her eyes scan the room as she slowly steps to one of the seats. 

Nessa's vampire senses feeling overwhelmed by the odor of wolf in this home, particulary this room. She is grinding her teeth from allowing her natural instincts to kick in. Closing her eyes momentarily, she exhales slowly before attempting to relax slightly looking back at the alpha. His eyes still glued on her as he continues to try figuring out her purpose. 

"Thank you Alpha Tate for taking the time to see me."

Desmond is still unsure as to her attentions. He gives her a small smile and head nod in acknowledgment of her words. He can see her hand still gripping the arms of the chair fiercely as she attempts to control the war she's battling within. 

"What may I do for you Nessa?"

"I am here in regards to my sister. Due to the incident that has happened with the local Coven. They are now raging an attack against her."

Desmond leans forward resting his arms on his desk before swirling the amber liquid gently in the glass with both hands clasped around the glass. As if he didn't have enough to worry about. He takes a sip before looking back at her. Her eyes have turned red but she seems to be more relaxed. This leaves him in utter confusion. 

"Nessa, are you aware-"

"Yes, I am" Her voice has taken a lower tone registration. It is clear that Nessa has a willing acceptance to her true form. 

"Do you have a different name?" Desmond says leaning back in his chair still studying her. 

"No, I am still Nessa." 

"You sound different..." Nessa gives him a small smile with a tilt of her head. 

"When my senses are overwhelmed, it is easier for me to be in this state." Still wary of her, he just nods but still has questions. 

"You seemed more relaxed then before."

"I am... thank you." She crosses her legs knowing he has more questions. 

"And yet, you are not attacking?" It was question he had to ask. 

"No, I am not."

"Today is Thursday, you are not in school with the others.."

"No, I can no longer pass for the age required to be in attendance at the school."

"Do you not fear me?"

"I do not feel threatened by you... If I did, this would be a different conversation."

Desmond stands up walking around his desk to lean against the front of it. His wolf becoming curious as well by this creature. 

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