Chapter 15: Meeting

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"Son, can you return home along with Belle please?"

Colton pulls his phone away long enough to look at Belle who looks slightly worried but nods regardless. He puts the phone back to his ear to answer his father. 

"Yea... we're on our way."

He clicks the phone turning back to Belle. She turns to her side where Kacia gives a single head nod. Tara looks confused but continues holding Kacia's hand. Colton watches as Kacia says something into Tara's ear who instantly takes out her phone. After placing it in her pocket, she smiles while bouncing back and forth on her heels. Colton's eyebrows furrow in confusion. Jake also looks onto the bundle of joy in puzzlement while she scans the school's parking lot. Both Colton and Jake begin glancing around trying to figure out what is going on before turning back to her. 


Tara jumps in surprise before turning around jumping into her sister's arms. Nessa giggles while holding her tightly. Her eyes looking over her sister's shoulder to see both male's looking at her with their jaws unhinged. 

"NO. FUCKING. WAY!" Jake voices in outrage. There is no possible way she got here that fast. He steps forward but Kacia steps in between them making him look down at her before looking back at the raven haired beauty. "You could not have possibly gotten here that quickly!"

"Vampire blood"

She says in monotone while Tara jumps pulling at her hand. Tara waves at Kacia, Belle and the boys while leading her away. Nessa turns back eye balling Belle. Belle reaches in her pocket pulling out her keys and tossing them to Nessa who catches them effortlessly. With a final salute, the bouncy girl and older sister hop onto her bike. Tara waving away as they leave the parking lot. Colton still in shock by what all just happened. Kacia snorts at their dumb found expressions breaking them from their trances. Jake playfully narrows his eyes put his hands on his hips. 

"And you are still here because?"

"I wouldn't let my sister walk into the lion's den without back up." She says pointing to Belle before quickly turning to Colton. "No offense Colton."

He holds up his hands still trying to process all of that. Jake just grins wickedly making Kacia lean back with a raised brow in question... not at all liking the mischievous glint in his eye. He raises his arm and Kacia instantly slaps it away as he tries to wrap it around her. Belle giggles as Jake pouts with shoulders slacking. She feels a hand slide around her waist pulling her back to Colton's chest. She watches as Kacia continues staring at Jake with narrowed eyes as he pretends like he is stretching before putting his hand on her shoulder. She slaps his hand making him yelp and remove his hand. 

"Colton, she's being mean to me!"

He whines pointing at Kacia like a two year old. Colton groans dropping his head to Belle's shoulder. She grins while Kacia just chuckles at them. She reaches out to Belle who takes her hand. She begins to step out but Colton's arm tightens around her. She looks down to his arm before looking over her shoulder. His face pleading with her. She shakes her head and kisses his cheek before removing his arm. Now both boys are sporting pouts as the girls link arms walking to her car. Belle glances over her shoulder yelling back. 

"Come on boys! Don't want to keep your dad waiting." 

Just like that, he straightens out remembering they have to get home. He taps Jake's chest and nods towards the truck. Jake nods following as they get in. They turn back to see the girls taking off so they follow behind. The roads weren't too crowded so they made excellent time.

Belle looks to the pack house feeling her nerves getting the best of her again. Kacia studies her sister before taking her hand giving it a kiss. She gets out and is instantly greeted with Jake's face making her roll her eyes and shove him away from her door. He chuckles and opens the door giving her a playful bow. Colton on the other hand is at Belle's door opening it to find her frozen in her spot. 

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