Chapter 34: Brief History

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Penny's head snaps up from the dishes. Turning she finds her golden blonde daughter standing there with her boyfriend only a step behind. Tears pull at her eyes as she walks briskly to her daughter engulfing her within her embrace. Belle holding her equally as tight back. Grace can feel her emotions running wild but she is just so happy her daughter is okay. Belle continued to whisper sweet words to her. After a moment, Grace found her ground as pulled back slightly to look her over. She looked completely fine with no scratches. 


Loud feet came thumping down the stairs. Colton stood to the side as they all saw their sister. Tara squealing before running over, Kacia shortly behind her quickly embracing her younger sisters. Belle closes her eyes in content feeling the love from them. Her eyes open to find her eldest sister standing near the entrance. Her eyes showing little emotion but her hands giving her away. Belle can see her handles trembling slightly. She goes to take a step away from her sisters but Nessa still says rooted to her spot. Belle takes the few steps before wrapping her arms around her sister. Nessa standing stock still for a moment before wrapping her sister in a tight hug. 

"You didn't call me..."

Nessa's words are but a whisper but Belle understood clearly. Nessa was hurt that at her time of need she didn't call for her. Her finger unconsciously spinning the very ring she was gifted. Belle pulls back to see her sister with a single tear rolling down her cheek. Her heart clenching slightly. 

"I needed to prove I could handle it..." She wipes away the single tear making Nessa blink back the rest looking up. "It would have put you in danger, I couldn't do that."

Nessa steps back as if she has been burned. Her eyes turning hard as she looked to Belle. Colton standing straight ready to intervene if need be. Kacia and Tara are now standing by their mother watching their siblings. Nessa however did not look away from Belle. 

"I. Do not. Care." Nessa leans forward slightly while pointing her finger at Belle's heart. "You matter, they matter-" She points behind Belle to her family. "I would fight the world for you all."

"As would we" Kacia speaks up from behind. Belle turns to look at the momentarily before turning back to Nessa. 

"I know you guys would have and if I would have gotten to that point, I would have called."

Colton looks to Belle to see her struggling. He knew Belle's worries before coming here. She is having to find the balance between her family and now their pack. It isn't the same anymore. Her becoming the Luna means she will be spending more time their than here. Belle knows this, and on some level so does Grace and the girls. Doesn't mean they are ready to let go yet. 

Nessa can see that is not what she wanted to say but doesn't push it. She is just happy her sister is safe. She had never felt more useless than she did earlier today. Their mother telling them she was attacked and yet none of them were to go their due to the Elders being present. Then her sisters leaving her behind all due to her... heritage. She felt alone and hated it. She is pulled out of her thoughts as her backside was embraced and realized her family was hugging her. She huffed but regardless embraced it. 

"Mom, why was the head of the Coven at the pack house?"

Belle asks still wondering about the earlier conversation with Thaddeus. The group goes stiff and pulls away slowly. Belle and Tara turn to her mother while the other two sisters look down. Colton comes to wrap his arm around Belle leading her to one of the seats in the dining room. The rest of the girls following suit while Grace just stands with her arms on the back of the chair. She is not entirely sure what to say. 

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