Chapter 17: Date Night

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"Are you ready Belle?"

Belle takes a deep breath turning away from here mirror to see her sisters all sitting on her and Kacia's bed. Ever since arriving home from school, her stomach has been in knots. She was nervous of her first date. She had a feeling that kept linger of a bad omen. She didn't want to think much of it and just wanted to enjoy her time with Colton. 

Tara helped do her hair while Nessa did her make up leaving Kacia to find a sexy yet appropriate outfit. She ended up finding a spaghetti strapped halter that matched her trench coat to go over it. With the jacket, having a collar, she chose to wear her hair up while Tara left a few tendrils framing her face in soft waves. She felt beautiful and standing up her sisters clapped loudly in approval. She smiled warmly at them as they climbed off the bed to come give her a group hug. 

"Belle, your date is here!"

All girls pulled back hearing their mother's voice filter through the door. Taking one final glance in the mirror and grabbing her bag she turned and winked over her shoulder before heading out. Her fingers unconsciously spinning the newly gifted ring. The silver rolling smoothly over her finger as she makes her way down stairs. She walks to the living room where she sees her mother sitting with Colton. 

Smelling her intoxicating scent, Colton instantly stood up as his eyes widen slightly. His mouth parting slightly as he attempts to regulate his breathing. It never seems to amaze him how absolutely beautiful she is. Her eyes always holding him captive. He watches as she slowly walks into the room biting her lower lip as she smiles. He snaps out of it when movement comes beside him and her mother walks over embracing her tenderly. 

"You look beautiful my baby girl"

Grace praises her daughter as her cheeks turn lightly pink. She hears Belle huff knowing she is embarrassing her but looking back to Colton, he can't even peel his eyes away from her. She giggles gently making Colton close his mouth and step around the couch to join them. She feels like she is intruding on an intimate moment and decides to kiss Belle's cheek before making a graceful exit. 

Belle watches her mom leave before turning back to be met with the emerald eyes that hold her hostage. God, she is addicted to them. He looks sexy as hell in his black attire. His eyes easily standing out. 

A soft touch braces her cheek as the warmth seeps through her

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A soft touch braces her cheek as the warmth seeps through her. His finger brushing gently as he steps to her. Only one word simply leaving his mouth. 


He said it so gently, it wasn't a compliment as much as it was a statement. It instantly made her smile making Colton's breathing halt momentarily. She was the absolute most perfect mate he could ever has asked for. He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to hers. It was soft and loving. A throat being cleared pulled them apart making them look back to the stairs where all three sisters sat looking at them. 

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