Chapter 12: An Apology

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"Mom, we're heading out!"

"Alright girls, Have a good day!" 

The door clicks shut and Grace slouches against the counter top. The dinner last night was enough to have her nerves on edge. She could tell that Alpha Desmond was testing them, taunting them. She was proud that the girls were able to keep a lid on their tempers for the most part. She smirks still remembering the way the fearless alpha's eyes enlarged when his wife snapped. He turned from a predator into prey in a fraction of a second. 

Grace has always been proud of all four of them. Her Jezabelle becoming a future female alpha is still pulling at her heart strings. She always knew they would each be destined for something so much more then what she could predicted. Her daughter is the first cross mating she has ever heard of. With her own eyes she witnessed the love Colton had for her. She had no doubts of his love... it's his loyalty that worries her. 

Her long blonde hair is gently pulled back as soft delicate fingers run through it gently. A smile tugs at her lips as she closes her eyes savoring it. The fingers continue to work their magic on her as she hums gently. 

"What has mom looking so lost?"

"All you girls... A mom always has reason to worry."

She answers honestly to Nessa. She promised her girls ages ago that she would always be truthful. It is platform they have built on their relationship. The girls in return do not lie nor hide things from her. Nessa has always had an intuition about her head space. It used to worry her however Nessa has become her confidant with all the time they spend together. 

Nessa stills her fingers and removes her fingers from the golden threads. Gently she wraps her arms around her mother's waist laying her head gently her mother's back. It's in the moments of serenity that Grace seems to be the most lost. It's almost as if she is more serene in chaos than the confinements of her own mind. 

Knock Knock Knock

Both girls look to the front door. Grace softly taps her daughters hands requesting to be released which Nessa obliges. Walking to the front door, she opens it and feels her body stiffen. Nessa can immediately see the change in her mother's demeanor however Grace discreetly waves her back. Nessa slowly lowers behind the counter but listens intently ready to defend if needed. 

Grace looks to the man at the door. His dark eyes scanning her while his strong chin remains high with an air of arrogance. His mouth set in a thin line. He goes to step forward however Grace steps forward holding the door and the frame blocking his path. His eyes following her movement before looking to her face. She holds a forced smile making him scoff. 

"I am here for Jezabelle Roman"

"My apologies..." She waited for him to fill in the blank. 

"Mr. Wright, Davion Wright's father."

"My apologies Mr. Wright, but MY daughter is on her way to school. What is your business with her?"

Raising an eyebrow, this witch has many scents lingering on her. He leans forward slightly and inhales before sneering. She reeks of wolf and vampires. Grace narrows her eyes clearly not appreciating his demeanor. 

"She had an altercation with my son and I want to discuss the repercussions of such." He glances around her back while Grace reposition's her stance making it clear to not challenge her. The man rolls his eyes but doesn't push it. She is not part of his Coven which means he has no rights over this witch. 

"Well you will not be speaking to my daughter until I have Mr. Wright"

"Excuse me?!" He asks appalled but her statement. 

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