Chapter 40: Safe

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The bed room door slammed shut behind the young couple who made haste to be with each other. Colton ripping at the shirt on Jezabelle letting it split in the center. Her own hands greedily tugging his shirt up and over his shoulders. Their discarded clothes leaving a trail to the bed. Neither cared nor complained about the remains of what was their outfits. Belle just wanted to feel the safety of his embrace. 

Colton couldn't think straight other than he needed his mate. The journey back to their home was proof enough. Belle placing her nose against his neck as he continued to hold her. His arms tightening as she gently began inhaling and nipping at his neck. He would growl and upon arrival his feet moved quickly on their own accord.  None of the others stopping them fully aware what was to occur. 

Belle turned tugging off the ruby ring from her sister and placing it on the night stand. Colton didn't question as his lips came down to her mark and began nipping as her body arched like a bow to him. His hands greedily sliding over all the contours of her body. His body not getting enough of what he desired. Belle's skin feeling the sparks from the trail of his fingertips. The way they cupped her breast making her moan while throwing her head back. Her mouth falling open as his hands traveled down to her sweats before dipping inside. A loud groan coming from Colton at the dripping core. 

Her hands quickly came to cup his cheeks wanting to feel his lips once again. Colton could feel hear her heartbeat and her pulse race. He could feel her chest heave in a rhythmic motion. Her body heat radiating onto him. His fingers playing with the bundle of nerves that instantly making her throw her head back in ecstasy. His lips leaving a trail from her lips to her jaw to her neck. His scent lingering on her mark making his canines extend before sinking into her once again. A sigh leaving his mates mouth as he retracted. Her hands that were wrapped around his neck coming down his chest making a low growl emit from deep within before going to the buckle of his jeans. 

Belle couldn't wait any longer. Her hands making fast work of the jeans before pushing them down off of his hips. He helped kicking them down before returning the favor and tugging her sweats down along with her panties. He is quick to come back in between her legs savoring her lips once again. His hard throbbing member lying along the slits of her womanhood where it juices coated him. He began moving his hips forward and backward allowing her to coat him as the both enjoyed the sensation. 


His whimpered name made his eyes snap to lock with hers. Her eyes holding the depths of her emotions. He could see it all... the love, the want, the need for only him. He pressed his forehead against hers keeping contact with those hypnotic set of blues. 

"You are my everything Jezabelle Roman. You will be my wife, the mother of my children and my equal in life"

Belle could feel her eyes tear up at his words. She tilted her head conjoining their lips in a sensual kiss. He felt his hips move back before gently nudging in. She released his lips as her body began wiggling under him. Her eyes finding his again. 

"I love you Colton Tate"

"As I love you"

She threw her head back into the pillow as the events of the day fade away and all that is left is them. No one dare disturb the young couple as they continue to get lost in their own world. The night sky high as the stars twinkled away. Colton and Jezabelle did not come down that evening as the others began speaking off all that has happened. 

The girls were all in the pack infirmary. Nessa watching over her sisters as they sat beside each of the knocked out men. Jakes wolf hanging over the bed but Tara did not mind as she continue to smooth down his fur coat in a comforting manner. Leo's hand was held in a vice grip by Kacia whose eyes could not be pulled away from her mate. Standing at the entrance to the infirmary was the two elders, Desmond & Penny, and Thaddeus. They all continued to look upon the young adults. 

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