Chapter 33: What the?

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Colton couldn't look away from his sleeping beauty. His mind replaying the epic fight he watched. His wolf held him back from interfering although he fought to have control. His wolf said she could handle it. Watching her protect his pack while releasing powers he has only seen her do once prior. It was clear that the warlocks were not expecting it. He wondered how she was able to hide her powers so well but also how she held so many. 

Belle slightly stirs tucking her head into his neck. His arms automatically tugging her to closer to his chest. His hand massaging the back of her neck. Her breath fanning his neck making his wolf growl lowly enjoying the sensation. His lips connecting with the top of her neck as her smell engulfs him and calming his body. He was not expecting their first run to go this way. 

A bright light makes him whip his gaze outside where he finds Tara and Kacia standing hand in hand. He jerks his head telling them to come in. Kacia gently pushes the balcony doors open before they make their way in laying a bag down as she goes. Colton doesn't move even as the sisters come to sit on Belle's side of the bed. Tara sitting near her head before hovering her hand over Belle's head. Her eyes closing as her hand begins to glow gently. Kacia and Colton's eyes trained on the interaction. Tara's hand moving down gently over her face to her chest before the glow fades away. 

Her eyes open and Colton takes a sharp intake of breath. Her eyes fade from an exuberant white back to their chocolate color. She looks to him with a reassuring smile. 

"She is just tired. She is okay though." Colton sighs happy to hear that. 

"What happened Colton?"

His eyes turn to Kacia whose eyes appear to be flickering golden. Her eyes are fixed on his sleeping mate. 

"I'm not sure. I was running the lead to the pack and Belle was taking the young ones back to the pack house with our Beta female."

"You weren't with her?!" She whisper shouts jerking her attention to him. He growls lowly not liking the accusation. 

"It was not my choice Kacia."

Even in her unconscious state, Belle rubs his chest helping calm his wolf. His nose dipping down to the crescent of her neck taking a deep inhale. His wolf still pacing in his head however no longer feeling the urge to attack. 

"I'm sorry Colton"

He nods his head at her but continues holding his prized treasure. Tara leans forward kissing Belle's cheek before sitting back taking Kacia's hand. 

"Sis, we need to go before Nessa shows up." Kacia nods her head in agreement. Tara stands allowing Kacia come up to kiss her sister's cheek as well. Her eyes going to Colton and giving him a nod before standing up taking her sister's hand. "Oh wait! I want to see Jake!"

"Not tonight sis." Kacia rolls her eyes while Colton just smiles at the little bundle of sunshine. "I'm sure Colton will tell him to come visit you."

Tara nods her head before closing her eyes and in a flash of light, they disappear. He closes his eyes while holding Belle as snug as he can to his frame. Her lips gracing his neck making cold chills run down his spine. 

"I love you Jezabelle..."

He closes his eyes allowing the darkness to allow the nights events fade away. His exhaustion winning out. The sun is high in the sky the next time he opens his eyes. His eyes going down to look to his beautiful-

Colton sits up in a jolt not seeing her lying there. Hearing the water run his head whips to the bathroom door. He throws back the covers before strolling towards the bathroom door giving it a gentle knock. He hears a gentle 'come in'. Opening the door, he was not ready for the sight of a steamy door with a blonde goddess inside. He gulps audibly seeing her so bare to him. Her back is facing him but his blood still pumped quickly. Her eyes look over her shoulder giving him a sly smile. 

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