Chapter 36: Awake

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Belle groans as her head lifts barely before falling back. Her body feeling weak and her head pounding as if it was hammered in. She rotates her head slightly trying to focus her eye sight. After several failed attempts, she finally gains enough consciousness to see a body lying a few feet away. She recognizes the dark hair and attempts to sit up but her body objects feeling like pure lead running through her. Turning her head the other way, she comes to find another familiar body. Hearing foot steps, Belle closes her eyes. 

"What do you mean you had to use double the injection??"

"They woke up on the ride, we had to!" A male's voice says loudly. The foot steps stop in front of her. "You never told us what we were going after."

"It does not matter."

"It does when my men could have been killed!" 

Hearing the clicking of a lock, her body becomes more alert aware the man has stepped into her cell. She remains still even though she wants to fight. She can't risk not knowing more information. One of the men step into the room. He leans over inspecting her face. 

"Alpha, you owe me."

The man that was looking at her stands straight up and begins walking out of her cell. "You will be compensated."

The locking of her cell door is heard and the foot steps retreat. She waits until the foot steps fade away before opening her eyes again. She begins moving her arms and legs while getting the feeling back in them. She finally sits up and looks over. Nessa is in the cell beside her and on the other side, Kacia is one followed by a separate one holding Tara. She still can't feel her legs so she drags her body over to the cell wall. Her arm reaching through touching Nessa's back. 


The once still body begins moving as she did a moment ago. She waits patiently while her eyes begin looking around. Soft groans falling from her sister's lips. After a few minutes, she feels a hand on top of her own. Her head going back to find Nessa looking at her with red eyes. Her body limp as she attempts to stay awake. She turns her head looking over to find Kacia and Tara still out cold. 

"Wh-What happened?" Nessa's hoarse voice ask. 

Belle shakes her head negatively as she tries to recall what the hell occurred and how they ended up here. She turns her eyes back to her sister to see her struggling to stay conscious. 

"I don't know sis"

Nessa begins moving her body more and groaning. The sound making Kacia move in her sleep. The movement catching Belle's eyes. A low growl escaping Kacia as she continues to move around. 

"Kacia?" Belle's voice low but it makes the she-wolf turn her head to her. The amber eyes bright in the room. 

"Where are we?" Kacia's voice morphing and Belle knows it is no longer her... it's her wolf. 

"I am not sure."

Nessa sits up still holding Belle's hand through the bars. Nessa squeezes her hand and feels her vampiress coming forward. Her voice dropping. "Is Tara alright?"

Belle whips her head seeing the blood red eyes before turning to Tara's cell. "She seems to still be out."

All three of the girls begin moving around getting the feeling back to their extremities. Kacia slowly making her way to the other side of her cell before reaching through. A hiss escaping her lips as she yanks her arm back. Belle and Nessa looking to her. "Wolfsbane"

Kacia looks to their youngest sister who appears to breathing normally. The sound of the door opening makes their heads turn. A tall man comes walking in looking through each cell. His feet halting seeing three of them awake. A sinister smile tugging at his lips. The sisters looking to him in confusion. 

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