Chapter 23: Preparing

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Knock Knock Knock

Grace lifted her head wondering who that could be. All the kids were still upstairs and she wasn't expecting any visitors. Setting her laptop aside, she walked to her door cautiously. Looking through the peephole, her eyebrows scrunch by the unexpected guest. Swinging the door open, her balance is thrown off as a familiar brunette throws herself at her. She chuckles hugging her back before releasing her. 


The girl smiles softly at the blonde witch that has quickly become a friend. She couldn't get over how beautiful Grace was. She held such a regal aurora but more importantly a sense of kindness and comfort. Penny has never met another witch with that capability over her. Grace ushers her in as she hears giggles and laughter from the stairwell warming Penny's heart. 

"I'm guessing my boy is still here?"

Grace takes her seat again as she nods her head while closing the laptop. Her eyes drifting towards the ceiling where they can clearly hear Jake retelling of a story. The girls both quietly continue listening as to how Jake attempted to prank a teacher once however it extremely failed. When they heard the girls and Colton's laughter again, they couldn't help but chuckle themselves. 

"So tell me, what brings you here?" Grace says shaking her head redirecting her attention back to the stunning she wolf sitting beside her. She watches as Penny relaxes back running her hand through her hair. It is clear she has something stressful on her mind. 

"We had a visit today by the Elders." 

Grace sighs expecting something like this to come up. She slides gently from the couch reaching over to her liquor she had on a shelf. She turns around showing Penny who smirks in return giving a single head nod. Grace sits back down sitting the two glasses on the table and tipping a healthy amount in each glass before handing one to Penny. Clinking the glasses together that take a sip of the burning liquor before simultaneously releasing a deep breath. 

"Colton and Jezabelle?"

"Among other things"

Grace watched as Penny gulped another shot down of the whiskey. Before relaxing her head against the back of the couch. Grace reached out slowly gripping her hand. Penny closed her eyes and smiled at the contact. Grace always seemed in tuned to what she needed. It was a friendship she never expected but wouldn't change it for the world. After another few moments of silence and Penny gathering her thoughts, she opens her eyes looking to Grace. Her friend focusing solely on her while her thumb continues to run back and forth over the side of her and hand. 

"What can I do?" Penny squeezed Grace's hand before answering. 

"Prepare yourself and the girls. This isn't just going to go away." She looks back to make sure the kids are still busy upstairs before continuing. "The full moon is 3 weeks away. The men who came said they would be coming back then and want to meet Jezabelle."

"A test" 

A statement, not a question. As if they weren't already under scrutiny enough as is. Now it was Penny's turn to grip Grace's hand in reassurance. Both girls lock eyes and Penny gives her a reassuring smile. 

"Your daughter is powerful. I have no doubts about her abilities."

At this Grace smiles thankful for her words. She knows how powerful her daughter is. There was no doubt about that. It is her powers that worry her. The Coven hear word of this and they will use it against Belle. Then there was that Thaddeus character whom she has a feeling she will be seeing more of. He seemed... different. She was still so unsure of what to make of him. 

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