Chapter 16: Meus Amor

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Jezabelle grinned feeling her pulse accelerate. It has been a few days since the meeting with Alpha Tate. He had many questions that her lovely sister chose not to answer much to his dislike. She could feel Kacia's irritation rolling off of her in waves. Other than her sisters and mom, she has never told anyone the truth behind the day they found her... her past. 

Even with the news of the Elders coming to Southern Crescent Pack, Jezabelle couldn't find it in her to not smile. A warmth seeped around her waist and the addictive scent of woods enveloped her. Jezabelle leaned back as Colton inhaled her with his lips gracing her neck. She felt the goosebumps arise. 

"For the love of God man! Mark her already!" 

Jezabelle laughed at Jake's exasperated voice. His long groan as he dropped his head back. Drama Queen. Colton growled lowly not caring for Jake's constant narration of his time with his beautiful mate. Glancing over, Colton catches Kacia whacking the back of Jake's head making Tara giggle while Jake pouts. Opening his arms, Tara quickly walks to him giving him a hug. He grins down at the ball of sunshine. That is until she steps away to walk with Kacia. Jake quick on their heels leaving the mates alone. 

Belle takes the opportunity and turns around in her mate's arms before getting on her tip toes to kiss him. His hand is quick to find the base of her neck keeping her pressed to his lips. A whimper leaves Belle making Colton's wolf grin. He tightens his arm around Belle and picks her up resulting in her wrapping her legs around his torso and holding on tight. Her arms tightly coiled to his neck as he adjust one hand to her perfect ass. Her fingers running through the hairs at the base of his neck making him groan against her mouth. 

A bell goes off and alerts the couple pulling them away to look around. The parking lot is completely empty now and they realize they must have been standing there for quite sometime in their own little world. Not that either of them truly cared. Belle turns her eyes to look with the forest green eyes with golden specks in it. 

Colton looked deep into those glacier eyes that has his wolf purring. Her eyes showing how much she adored him. Love? Maybe... But he certainly wasn't rushing her. He knew what he felt for her ran deep and he thanked the moon goddess for such a precious mate. Her golden hair gleaming in the sun. Those blue eyes that remind him of a precious doll. His eyes slowly going down to her slightly swollen lips that were red from previous activity. 

He began walking into the school with her still in her rightful place... his arms. His fingers drawing soft circles on the underside of her leg. She involuntarily shivered making him smirk. She narrowed her eyes but he could see her playfulness. A sly grin came to her lips making Colton wonder what. 

His thoughts were cut off when she leaned forward pressing her lips lightly to his neck. Colton froze in his tracks while her nose lightly skimmed the length of his neck. Fuck! He cursed under his breath as she moaned lowly. She was playing with fire but fuck if he didn't enjoy it. 

Belle squealed when he abruptly yanked the doors open to the school before going to a classroom to the side. She didn't even realize he began walking again. She came back to the present as he pressed her against the door while a light click resounded as he locked the door. She pulled her head back to see his eyes were practically glowing gold now. Her chest rising and falling against his as she awaited his next move. 

"Wrong move"

His lips came crashing down in a punishing kiss. Belle gasped feeling him press his own excitement to her core. Colton didn't hesitate deepening the kiss. The kiss consuming her completely as her mind got fogged in a wave of lust. In that moment, she didn't care that they were skipping class, she didn't want to let this moment go. 

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