Chapter 41: Resolve

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Belle sighs walking down to the infirmary hand in hand with Colton. His fingers locked in a vice grip with her own. The morning light is barely peaking through the tall windows of the pack house. Her eyes looking over the beds where familiar faces lie. The sounds of their steps making all eyes turn to them. Jezabelle can't help but smile ear to ear as the tears pull behind her eyes. 


She is quickly engulfed by the raven hair whose strength knocks the wind out of her. She doesn't complain as her sister continues to hold her. Only the sound of other feet making her look up to find Kacia and Tara now jogging to her. Nessa steps to her side allowing her sisters to hug her. They all look at each other as they embrace in a sisterly hug. 

Colton walks over to sit on a chair beside his best friend who thankfully is back to his human form while keeping in an eye on his mate. After a few minutes, the girls begin walking back over. Leo and Jake have their backs to the headboard of the beds. Kacia easily slinks into her mate's side who openly kisses her temple making her smile tenderly. Jake opens his arms wide as his little sunshine leaps to him make the pair laugh. Belle walks to Colton sitting on his lap while Nessa pouts playfully. The others chuckling softly at her while Jake opens his other arm. 

"I have room for two?"

"Ewww... you smell." Jake now pouts while Tara laughs at his expression. She ends up sitting at the end of their bed. "What happens now?"

Jake's question silences their laughter as they each look to one another. Belle sighs loudly catching their attention as she lays her head against Colton's while his arm is wrapped around her back. 

"We move on..."


All heads jerk to the door. Belle is up in an instant running to her mother whose arms are all ready for her. She practically jumps into her as Grace giggles gently. The others sisters remaining where they are at allowing for them to have a moment. Grace squeezes her for a good moment before releasing her and looking about the room. Her eyes slowly going over each. She walks Belle back over to the group where she takes her rightful seat on Colton. Grace can't help but look so fondly at her little warriors. 

"We remember what has occurred, and we grow." Her eyes shifting to Kacia and the man beside her. "We have not been properly introduced.."

She watches as he scrambles out of the bed making Kacia grin at his actions. He outstretches his hand to her. "Leo Danford ma'am."

"Nice to meet you Leo, I owe an apology young man." Leo's brows pull together in confusion as she brings her second hand to their grasped hands. "I am the one who attacked your pack."

It takes a minute to click before his eyes go wide and he steps back involuntarily. She takes a deep inhale expecting that reaction. The room remains quiet for a moment to see how he reacts. 

"Thank you" His words are spoken soft but all eyes are wide in surprise by his statement. "My pack was corrupted and were only spiraling... I should know."

Grace looks deep and can see that he has his own deep pain lingering and chooses not to push it. She steps forward and embraces him making the man go stiff. Leo's heart races a mile a minute as he stands stock still. Grace waits and soothingly rubs his back making the young man finally relax and hold her back. She pats his back pulling back. 

"Keep that in mind if you ever hurt my daughter."


The room explodes into laughter while Leo visibly pales looking to Kacia. Kacia reaches for him and he walks back over laying back down beside her. Grace has a gentle smile tugging at her lips before sitting beside Nessa at the end of Jake's bed. 

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