Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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Jezabelle groans stuffing her head in her pillow as she feels the blanket move from her body. A foot accidently kicking her side before she hears a loud thump followed by a groan. She peels an eye open to glance over the bed. A mess of brown hair struggling to untangle herself from the sheets. The blonde hair girl laughs gently earning a glaring pair of yellow eyes to narrow in on her. 

"Not. a. word. Belle" 

At this she rolls her eyes getting up and walking over to the other bed gently nudging a sleeping Tara. Her big doe eyes blink open before focusing on her. Jezabelle doesn't bother waking Nessa. Multiple times she has been put in a choke hold for waking the sleeping vampire. The saying that vampires never sleep is complete bullshit. Nessa can sleep practically anywhere but if you wake her, watch out. That is why the job usually falls to Tara who can transport herself away instantly. 

Walking into their attached bathroom, Jezabelle relieves herself as her sister Kacia walks in still yawning. They both walk over beginning to get ready for the day. A loud yelp and a bright light later and Tara is standing in the bathroom fully awake now. 

"Sorry Tara" 

Nessa says rubbing her eyes walking into the bathroom as well. The raven hair instantly brings her younger sister into her arms apologizing again. This is practically an every morning occurrence in their household.  

Grace continues laying all the breakfast out as she hears the patter of feet clomping down the steps. She watches as each of the girls walk over giving her a kiss before taking their seats at the table. She takes her seat at the head of the table as the girls begin eating. 

It had been over ten years since that fateful day. Her heart warms looking at her family now. The girls have grown into their own and she has learned a lot about each of them. 

Jezabelle, the child of her blood, has come to be known as Belle by the girls. She still has her golden hair but her eyes have taken on an almost a doll like feature. She looks angelic... but looks can be deceiving. She is beyond the most outspoken of the group. Nessa coming in a close second. Over the years, she has found that she can control water, fire, earth and air. She has come full circle controlling all the elements. Her little beauty is far more powerful than she ever could have believed. Now she has the pleasure to watch her grow with her sisters. 

Tara, whom Grace has to come find out is a fallen angel, is still the bubbly girl she always was. Her doe eyes still large and her hair has grown into soft chocolate waves. It was an adjustment to learn all her unique abilities. Her story not one to be retold however the only thing Grace cares about is that she is her daughter now. She holds the pureness of the group. Her ability to heal still proven helpful over the years. Especially when Kacia went through her first faze. She still has the ability to transport all of them although it does make Grace feel nauseous each time. 

Kacia, her strong daughter with the golden eyes. She was only eleven when she went through her first faze. Grace stayed by her side the entire time even though Kacia pleaded her to leave. She was fearful of hurting the only woman whom ever cared for her. Grace stubbornly refused to leave her daughter during a moment of pain. Kacia scraped her by accident that night, which still to this day she does not know. Lucking Tara healed her before Kacia came to. She has a beautiful chestnut fur coat that matches her wild hair. Every faze making it easier for her, no longer painful or long. She now can faze on command. 

Nessa, the vampire that once terrified her the most, is now her greatest ally in the household. She learned that Nessa's physical features grow at an accelerated rate. Where the girls still look their natural age of 17 or 18. Nessa appears to look about 20-25. She fully developed a few years back and has not changed since. The raven haired charmer says it is natural to stop aging so she trust her word. Her need for blood was never fully developed and Grace learned it was due to her circumstances of birth. While the other three go to school, Nessa usually goes to the bar to help her. 

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