Chapter 25: Revelation

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"Alright, I am here tonight to inform you that Charles Wright is planning an attack against you."

The house becomes eerily quiet for a moment and no one moves. Grace's eyes bouncing from Thaddeus to Belle. Colton's entire body going rigid as his grip on Jezabelle's hand becomes like stone. His wolf roaring in his head. Belle can feel the tension rolling off of him but can't get pass his words, her own body practically frozen while looking at the man who bares the news. His eyes look to her before he runs a hand through his hair and glancing back to Grace. Belle catches the motion and finds her voice. 

"Why would you warn me?"

His eyes snap up and she can see the inner debate in them. He looks to the ground before answering her. 

"I closed my investigation and he was not happy that I didn't claim you guilty."

Colton's eyes remained trained on the man and then he sees it. It wasn't for Belle he made this decision... It was for Grace. His eyes kept flicking back to her as if checking her reaction. Colton tugs Belle closer so he can release her hand and wrap her safely in his embrace. His chin going on top of her head as she stands with her back to his torso. 

"Mr. Steele..." Belle is a lost for words. He is the head of a Coven. He just betrayed his Coven by coming to her. She can't understand why he did it. His reply didn't actually provide an answer. He didn't say why he felt the need to tell her. She doesn't want to push it. "Thank you"

Her words are soft and gentle but Thaddeus can tell she means them. Her mate still holding her. He can see the clear attraction between the two. His investigation did conclude but he did in fact change the results. He had no doubt that Colton was the wolf that night. His scent from their previous meeting lingered on the body of the deceased boy. It is clear that Davion surprised them while they were out. However revealing that information would have began a war that would have ended in blood shed for both sides. Davion's death was still determined as unresolved but everyone knew... including Charles. 

"Mr. Steele?"

He comes out of his own thoughts to realize the young couple are gone. His body turning around to find Grace standing there with an expression of confusion. Her hands are ringed together. Her brows are pushed together while she looks downwards. He waits patiently wondering what she is thinking. 

"You betrayed your Coven by coming here tonight.."

It wasn't a question but it came out like one. Thaddeus' eyes still trained on her. "Yes"

Her eyes find his and he feels like drowning in their blue depths. Her hair spun the color of gold and her eyes glistening the ocean within them. Thaddeus can feel his heart accelerate while she searches his own eyes. No words exchanged as they continue evaluating the other. Grace seems to be utterly lost making her look absolutely adorable to Thaddeus. He doesn't want to pressure her in to understanding his actions. He wants her to figure it out on her own. 

"You could exiled for what you did."

"Yes I know"

"And yet it was worth it?" Thaddeus looks directly at her and doesn't hesitate. 


Grace stands their feeling her brain try to process this. This man whom was head of a Coven felt the need to protect his daughter rather than wait for his men to attack. Why on earth would anyone put themselves in the line of fire for someone they recently were torturing. It makes no sense. She can feel a migraine come on so rather than continuing to analyze it, she steps forward with an outstretched hand. 

Thaddeus watches her step forward to him with her hand out. He takes her small hand into both of his own. Her eyes still looking into his own as a look of gratitude eases her face from the previous confused look. 

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