Chapter 5: Telling the Parents

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"What is that smell?"

Belle stiffens as her mother glances between each of them. Nessa continues to her seat not worried while Tara giggles beside her. Kacia stands beside a petrified Belle taking her hand in her own. Belle releases a breath she was holding and allows Kacia to pull her towards their normal seats. Grace's eyes following her girls waiting for an answer. After a moment she can see the state her blonde beauty is in and slowly sits down at the head of the table looking to her expectantly.


Belle clears her throats looking around the table for support. Nessa is looking down to her plate not being able to meet her sisters eyes. Tara gives her an encouraging head nod while Kacia takes her hand on top of the table.

"It's a wolf mom." Grace waits knowing by the way her daughters a reacting that there is more. "I- uhm... I found my- my mate."

And just like the air escapes Grace's lungs as she slouches back against the chair. Her eyes still trained on Jezabelle. Belle finally looks up to her mom but can not read her reaction. She can see in her eyes the surprise but no other emotion. Kacia who was sitting between them continues looking back and forth. Tara and Nessa have their eyes glued to their mom waiting for her to react. It takes a minute before Grace blinks a few times coming back to the present. She can tell all her girls are awaiting her comments. She releases a deep breath before answering.

"Girls, can I have a moment with Jezabelle?"

Belle is quick to open her mouth only for her to close it again seeing the look on her mother's face. Kacia squeezes her hand again before releasing it. Nessa and Tara give her a nod before they all exit the room. Belle begins picking at her fingernails dropping her head downwards. A moment of silence passes between them. Each not sure how to proceed. The scraping of the chair makes Belle lift her head up to find her mother coming to take Kacia's vacant seat. Her eyes following her slow movements. Grace can see that her daughter is worried about her reaction.

"Mom, I-"

"Jezabelle..." She cuts her daughter off making her listen. Eyes locked she ask the most important question. "Is this what you want?"

Belle looks into her mother's eyes trying to find any judgement but finds none. She slowly nods her head dropping her head scared that her mother will deny her. Soft hands graze hers making her look back up.

"I would move heaven and hell for you and your sisters. If you are willing to fight for what you want... Then I will be by your side."

A smile that could light the night sky spreads across Jezabelle's face. Grace looks fondly to her daughter knowing that the heart can not be swayed so why stand in the way. Her daughter's happiness comes before all else. Her body is jolted when Belle flings into her mother's comforting hold. Smiling gently, she holds onto her golden hair girl.

"You can come back in... I know your standing right outside girls."

Belle giggles pulling back as her mother continues looking to the doorway with a knowing look. The three sisters walking in with the sheepish smiles on their lips. Tara takes off racing to Belle and Grace colliding into a strong hold. She is definitely the affection one of the group. Kacia comes next from behind as more arms wrap around them all. Nessa stands towards the back until Kacia swings her arm making the last of the sisters fall against Tara's back. The group then laughs all together. Belle's eyes tearing up at the support she receives from her family. Not positive on what her future holds but knows that her family will be with her every step of the way.

Running back to the pack house, Colton couldn't help the smile that was on his face from the blonde haired beauty he got to call his mate. She was incredible today. He may not have gotten the chance to kiss her but he sure as hell took every opportunity possible to touch her. Her skin a constant electric charge for him. He loved watching her. It was clear as day that she was a master at her craft. The way she expertly was able to counter act any attacks. It seemed like second nature for her. He was impressed.

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