Chapter 8: Such the witch

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"Love you girls. Have a good day!"

Grace waves as they leave the house. It's now Monday and the three girls were walking out the door to head to school. After Colton spent Saturday evening with them, he left thanking her for her hospitality. Sunday involved the girls going into town for groceries before playing a few games in the back yard. A side hug brings her back to the present as she coils her arm around her dark haired beauty. Nessa always knew when she needed comfort. 

It wasn't that she was truly worried about the girls but more about how she is realizing they are growing up. Belle finding a mate is just the beginning. She is aware that for Kacia and Nessa, they also have mates somewhere in the world. Only time will tell how long until they find their other halves. As for Tara, she knows very limited of her kind so she is unsure if they have mates. 

"They will be fine mamma"

Grace lets a tear slip before giggling lightly and leaning over to press a kiss to her hair. Nessa came from an Italian heritage that seems to slip through when they are alone. Nessa gives Grace a moment to collect herself before releasing her. 

Their morning begins with Grace and Nessa walking around the home to pick up from the morning routine of breakfast and getting ready. Nessa goes upstairs to pick up from the tornadoes known as her sisters while Grace does the dishes in the sink. After they both complete those task. Nessa gets changed into her bar uniform. It consist of a pair of blue jeans and a dark green T-shirt with Hell's Belles printed on it. She straightens out her hair letting her long hair travel down her spine. Grace dresses in a nice pair of blank pants with a blush colored blouse. 

Giving each other an approving head nod, they head out the home to the bar. This time Nessa rides with her mom clearly seeing her still lost in her thoughts. She did not wish to leave her alone. Reaching over the console, she takes her mother's hand in her own bringing up to give it a kiss before placing their linked hands in her lap. Grace hums focusing on the road. 

Arriving at the bar, they open it up and begin their day. The bar opens generally around 4 however Grace generally will open the bar at noon for an hour to serve lunch to those who need it. She began it a few years back. Finding so many whom either don't have homes or even meals to survive made her sick... so she did something about it. The town originally didn't know how to feel about it but have to come to realize that's just how Grace is. She is an angel of this town and they hold great respect for her. 

Nessa began counting their inventory while Grace went to the back firing up the ovens. Grabbing an apron she begins while turning on the radio. Her hips gently swaying listening to her favorite song. Nessa had a small smile on her lips hearing the music filter in from the kitchen, her mother's voice singing the lyrics to Brent Eldridge's "Mean to Me". The morning continues on in the same fashion. Grace is cooking the morning away while Nessa sets the bar up to prepare. The tables out, the chairs and silver set ready for the crowd. 

The bell dings ten minutes prior to opening making Nessa look up. A striking woman with dark hair and emerald green eyes walking in. She looks around appearing to be searching for someone. Nessa wipes her hand on the towel stepping around the bar to greet the woman. 

"May I help you ma'am?"

The woman's eyes snap to her and she smiles walking up to her. That is when she gets a whiff of her and feels her body tense on it's own accord. Werewolf. She rolls her shoulder willing her body to relax continuing to smile at the woman. The woman has stopped as well with a tilt of her head examining her. 

"You must be Nessa?"

Nessa goes to open her mouth but the door from the kitchen swings open with Grace juggling food. Forgetting about the woman, she quickly steps forward to help her mother. 

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