Chapter 9: Bring on the Drama

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Kacia and Tara whipped there heads to the side to see a waving Jake coming towards her car. Tara giggled while Kacia rolled her eyes getting out of her car. On queue, Jezabelle pulled up beside her and took her helmet off. Kacia held out her hand while still watching Jake. Feeling the helmet in her hand she easily placed it in the back seat of her car. 

Jake walked up to Tara who grinned while wrapping her arms around his waist. He couldn't help but chuckle at her. She is adorable. Tara feels his hands encircle her waist before she is abruptly yanked away and under the safety of her sister's arm. Kacia gives Jake a forced smile while holding Tara. Jake smirks and pats her head cooing at the protective sister. Kacia instantly swats his hand away. 

Belle giggles at the interaction until she feels the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Her body reacting to the presence behind her. Her giggles evaporate as the warmth begins to lean down towards her. She holds her breath while he sniffs her neck and growls lowly. She turns slightly meeting a pair of emerald eyes with golden hues. Being brave she tilts her chin upward getting her lips within a breath of his. He hums appreciatively before brushing his lips across her. Her whimper makes him smirk before he grips her neck and connects their lips with need. 

"Come on Tate, your going to make me throw up!"

Colton growls as Belle pulls back blushing from Jake's comment. His eyes now fully yellow as he turns his body towards his friend. Belle is quick to stand up cupping his face making him focus on her. He stops in his tracks as his wolf continues to be entranced by her. She pulls his face down to her pecking his lips as his hands grip her waist firmly. 

"Calm down mio amore"

At this Belle freezes not meaning to say that. Colton relaxes against her hands that still hold his face as his wolf retreats giving back Colton full control. He opens his eyes allowing his stunning green eyes gaze lovingly at Belle. 

"Adoro quando parli italiano ... mio amore" (I love when you speak Italian... my love)

Belle feels the heat rise to her cheeks. As he chuckles, he pulls her into a hug and turns back to his friend who is standing near watching them with a Cheshire grin. Tara and Kacia are also smiling but turn and begin walking away. Jake looks to Kacia's butt and turns back long enough to wiggle his eyebrows at Colton before taking off after them. 

Belle saw the action and can feel her blood boil. She whips her hand to the side and instantly Jake falls. Colton couldn't help but laugh at his best friend who looks down trying to figure out what happened before getting up still confused. Turning back he sees his best friend laughing as Belle smirks in his arms. 

"YOU!" Pointing his finger accusingly at Belle. She wiggles her eye brows at him making Colton double over in laughter releasing her while Jake stomps to her. She crosses her arms as he gets to her. He huffs before full on pouting. "That's not fair, no using your power on us mere werewolves."

"Don't try going after my sisters and I won't have to.."

Jake is about to continue but a new voice interrupts his retort. 


Colton sobers up hearing that voice as his wolf stiffens. He instantly comes closer to Belle, his eyes narrowing on the intruder. Belle and Jake look to the new comer. 


"Hey, I was wondering if I could walk you to class?" 

He ask complete ignoring the two werewolves standing there. Belle can feel Colton's tense form. Her arm goes behind him before wrapping around his waist. His arm going around shoulders hugging her form to his side. His smug smile makes Belle giggle lowly and lean against his shoulder. Turning back to a gaping Davion she answers him. 

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