Chapter 14: Knowing your place

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Colton grits his teeth while his fist clench almost painful. His eyes scanning over Kacia to his side and then his mate and sister behind him. He then notices movement out of the corner of his eye. He realizes the other pack mates beginning to stand up. Each one getting around him and protectively encircling the girls. 

Belle couldn't tear her eyes away from the fiery woman in front of her. She was beautiful but damn did she have a terrible personality. Movement caught her eye and she watched as a guy stood up who previous was seated beside them. He turned facing Raven directly, crossing his arms over his chest. Not even a minute passes and everyone else follows in line. Her heart warming as her eyes soften at the sight. They don't even know her yet and here they are standing up to one of their own for her. Tara's grip on her hand intensifies but she does not tear her eyes away from the vixen in front of her. 

Raven feels her blood boil as he protectively stands in front of her as if she was some damn prize. Does he have any idea how many men have come after her? She has ALWAYS wanted him. He was a perfect match for her and they would rule both packs together. 

"Raven, leave. You are not welcomed here."

She is pulled out of her thoughts hearing his command and she then notices all the wolves are standing up squarely to her. She feels her wolf growl wanting to rip out that stupid witch's throat. She goes to take a step only for her neck to be grasped tightly. She coughs and sputters as her feet begin dangling from the ground. The iron grip on her throat not loosening as she claws at the hand choking her. 

Kacia had enough of this woman. The yellow gleam telling her she was planning on attacking her sister. Fuck. That. The little red head took a step and her arm was quick to come out gripping at her scrawny neck. She felt her own wolf surging forward to protect her sister. Slowly she lifts the girl off the ground. 

Colton couldn't help but gape at Kacia along with his pack. No one and I mean NO ONE has the power to stand up to a Alpha bloodline. Kacia definitely has more to her than anyone knew. He watches as her power radiates off of her. Slowly she pulls Raven face to face with her. 

"Never threaten my sister..."

Raven's face turns blue before Kacia releases her allowing her body drop to the ground as she coughs and attempts to regulate her breathing. Colton gently presses Kacia back so she is not in the line of fire. Kneeling down he looks at Raven. 

"You are here as a guest to our pack. Do not make me revoke that status."

He stands back up as she finally looks up at him gaping. Her hand clutching at her now red throat. She watches as Colton turns around walking directly to the witch. His arm gently gliding around her waist as they walk away without even glancing back. All the members following behind them as if they were royalty. She stands up still holding her now burning throat completed shocked. He didn't even stop that dog from choking her! 

Yanking out her phone, she instantly dials the only person that can fix this mess as she stomps back to her car. One final glance at the blonde that is standing in her rightful spot. 


"Desmond, Penny!"

Penny clenches her fist hearing his voice filter in her ears. Her husband rubs her back soothingly before kissing the side of her head. He turns to the door as Alpha Talson rolls through. He sighs not ready for this but puts on a smile. Getting up he leaves Penny sitting in his seat in the office. Her eyes glued on the window not wanting to look at the pompous man strolls in. 

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