Chapter 38: Leo

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A groan from the farthest cell makes all girls snap their heads over. Tara begins to whimper as she tosses and turns as she comes to. Kacia slowly crawling over without touching the cell. Tara finally blinks open before trying to gain her own vision. 

"Angel?" She turns her head at the familiar voice and finally realizes where they are. Her eyes going wide as her head frantically looks around. "Tara princess, focus on me."

Her head jerks to her sister. Kacia sitting their with sluggish eyes. She attempts to move but feels her body mostly paralyzed. Her heart beginning to accelerate at an alarming rate before she opens her mouth to scream. Kacia's hand snaps through bar landing on her sister's mouth. The cell bars burning her arm. She grits her teeth but continues holding Tara's mouth close. The large brown eyes looking to her wide eyed with tears glistening. Tara's eyes turn to where she can see smoke rising from her sister's arm. She jerks her eyes back to Kacia who is looking at her intently. She nods her head in understanding and Kacia retracts her arm. The pain searing through her arm pulsating in her veins. 

Kacia holds her injured arm while turning back to her other two sisters. The effects of the cell doing very little to Belle now however effecting Nessa tremendously. The raven beauty collapsed again the dirt floor. A whimper makes her turn her gaze back to her baby sister. She continues wiggling her fingers trying to get feeling in her arms and legs. 

The click of a lock makes Belle and Kacia look to the door. A young man walks in and his eyes automatically lock to Kacia who inhales deeply. Her whole body going stiff as stone. He has dark hair that is slightly below his ear. It's his blue eyes that are flickering yellow that keeps Kacia stuck in her place. Their eyes remain locked and Belle just looks on. 


His voice. The voice make Kacia shiver involuntarily before hissing as her arm burns yet again. She brings it closer to her chest. The unknown man is quick to unlock the cell. Belle doesn't say anything as he comes in kneeling down in front of Kacia. Her eyes watching him intently. He gently takes her hand pulling her arm so he may inspect it. Kacia inhales the scent lingering off of him and his eyes snap to her. Their faces only mere centimeters apart. 

"Help them"

Kacia's words halting the man. He shakes his head stepping back before standing up. He looks to the cells to his right and left. He sees the blonde next door watching him carefully with narrowed eyes. He sniffs noticing her scent. He continues remaining next to the she-wolf he was drawn to but takes a deep inhale again. His eyes snapping realizing what it is. 

"You're the mate of Alpha Colton Tate"

Belle slowly nods moving her hair to show her claim. The man snarls before turning back to Kacia. His chest heaving up and down heavily. Both Belle and Kacia don't know what is going on. They are not sure if he is upset with the her connection or not. Tara groans as she finally begins to move her arms. Belle makes eye contact with her before looking back to the man. His eyes still searching Kacia's. Her eyes equally intrigued by him. 

He goes to open his eyes when the sound of a door opening snaps his attention back. He quickly gets up standing in front of Kacia. Alpha Talson makes his way into the room. A sneer covering his lips as his eyes flicker yellow looking at the man. 

"What the hell are you doing in here bastard?!"

Kacia growls unintentionally. Alpha catches it before a smirk appears before he begins chuckling. He holds his stomach as his eyes flicker between the pair. The man still standing strong in front of the brown haired beauty. After a moment, the Alpha stops with a loud sigh. 

"Oh that is rich... you are mated to a rogue?! I knew you would never be good for ANYTHING!" 

His voice quickly rising in volume. Once again the dark haired young man doesn't comment. Kacia doesn't move but can feel her wolf urging her to stand up for her mate. Belle slowly stands up making the Alpha turn to her. 

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