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V I X E N ~ may 9, 2017

"my baby is graduating," esha comes over to me and hugs me wiping away fake tears. 

"it's like it's my wedding," i roll my eyes at her as she snaps some photos of us. 

"it is like your wedding, it's just as important," she hands me my gown and hat. 

we take some more photos with me in the outfit before we head over to the college. i separate from esha almost as immediately when we arrive and take my seat. 

i got to my messages to check from gus. 

i have the biggest surprise for you!

what is it? 

you will see later don't worry <3 good luck today babygirl. 

thank u baby <3

i shut off my phone and tuck it under my leg against the seat i am in. 

the curtains open revealing the graduating class. they call us one by one to accept our diplomas. it was overall boring and long but when it was finally over i was met outside by a handsome boy with half black and half pink hair. 

"GUS!" i smile not caring once about the heels i was in. 

i run over to his arms and he hugs me tightly. 

i missed the hugs. 

"surprise," he hands me the flowers with a grin on his face. 

"i love them, thank you," i smile giving him a small kiss on the lips. 

"this isn't the surprise though, well it kind of is. vixie will you be my girlfriend?" i smile larger, if it's even possible and nod my head.

he grabs me pulling me in and giving me a long kiss. 


i went out to lunch with esha, larry, ana, and gus. they all fell in love with his personality like i had. 

we were sitting in my room when gus spoke about the last surprise. 

"i want you to dress however you want to for it, surprise me. no matter what you put on it will still make you look so much more than gorgeous," that was a hard task to give me but i decided finally on something. 

i put on a tight fitting black skirt with a small slit in the right thigh. i then topped it off with a black crop top that had a high neck. i added my chains and a baggy leather jacket i thrifted.

i added my white chunky sneakers that had chains all over them. 

"so where are we going?" i ask as he wraps an arm around me and guides me out of my bedroom. 

"it would ruin the surprise if i said," he leads me outside of the apartment and down the elevator to a car outside. 

we drive for a while, or it feels like it until the car finally stops. gus rushes to help me out of the car even though i don't need it. it makes me feel special. 

he leads me up to a nice house in a decent neighborhood and it clicks. 

"am i meeting your family?" he nods his head as he lets himself inside with his hand never leaving mine.

"gustav!" an older man comes over and kisses gus on the cheek. 

"pack ack this is my girlfriend vixen," he grins introducing me to his grandpa and who i assume is his mother standing close in the background.

she smiles and comes over to introduce herself. 

"I am liza," she shakes my head and moves to hug her son. 

"we are so excited to have you here tonight, gus was telling us about you," the grandpa gives me a kiss on the cheek, i feel uncomfortable because i had no family. no one ever treated me like this. i think if gus knew that he wouldn't have randomly surprised me with this because it wasn't really a good surprise for me. 

but i smiled through it. i sat through dinner and even some time afterwards where we all sat on the couch and liza showed me young videos of gus. 

we back to my place. gus had to leave almost as soon as we got back. i was sad to have to say goodbye but he told me he had a show in seattle tomorrow and it was only for the day when we got here. 

i walked him to the door where we were going to depart ways. it was a hard goodbye. i would be the first to admit it, today was amazing and i just wanted to fall asleep in his arms.

"i don't want to say goodbye," i frown as we stand at the door of my apartment. 

"i want you to come with me vixie," he sighs taking my heads.

"vixen.. i think you should go with him," esha walks out with larry.

a suitcase is at her side. 

"i bought you a ticket," gus says not breaking eye contact. 

"so you expected me to go?" i stare at him for a second. 

"i was planning on sealing the deal and then having you want to come with me, if you don't want to you really don't have to. i just want you there," i look down at the already packed bag. 

esha was fiddling with her fingers beside it. i knew she didn't want me to go but i also knew that she was telling me to go. 

i walk over to her and give her a hug. 

she hands me the bag. 

"you should go," she wipes away a tear that starts to come out. 

"i really don't want to leave you, we are still friends forever, i am still just a phone call away and if something happens i'll be on the first flight here," i hug her to show her i mean the promise i am making. 

"i love you, but go have fun," she rolls her eyes laughing and nudging me towards gus. 

i smile at her and grab the bag, i look towards both of them. 

"i'll see you soon," she smiles to me as gus starts to leave the apartment. 

i nod my head unsure of what words i should even say. no way was i actually giving up my life right now to go live with some mediocre rapper that i thought was really attractive and good at making music. 

but i was doing it. i was sitting in the back seat of an uber, my body in his chest as his arm wrapped around me and we watched the city go by outside the window. 

goodbye new york. 

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