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V I X E N ~ may 28, 2017

i made it an effort to work everyday before i quit my jobs, i wish i could have given two weeks notice but we were on our to catching a plane to london, it was uncertain when, if ever, we would be coming back. we shipped some stuff we wanted to the london apartment but for the most part the whole apartment had been sold. including the furniture. 

the flight was going to be nine hours so esha and i made sure we didn't sleep for the last 48 hours to try and sleep our way through the flight but as the 48th hour was approaching of us not sleeping, we were getting on the plane and we were barely on this planet. 

we had both had three monsters in the airport waiting area as delays had held us back. for the most part we were awake with just bags under our eyes. 

the plane took off and neither of us could sleep. gus had gotten us first class so we were alone in the front two seats. 

"we could watch a movie," esha presses the tv as a menu bar comes up. 

"fuck that," she sighs turning it off as the light was bothersome. 

we talked for about two hours before we both knocked out. 

when i woke up we were landing. i nudged esha up, we both watched out the window as the plane slowly came to the ground. when we got off, everything felt weird. for one we had been asleep on the plane for hours on end which was already uncomfortable as it is. 

but then the time difference threw us off instantly. we were five hours ahead in london, it was around 2 am. 

we stepped outside to be met with a car, the driver was holding a sign with our names on it. 

we got inside, the steering wheel was on the other side which made me internally thrown off, i was already not in this world from the xanax we had taken before the flight. two each. i know i was all about saying how i was clean and how i was going to help gus but i was much more clean than what i had been before and flying scared me.

we drove for about half an hour before we stopped in front of a nice white house. the area was a nice area. westbourne grove. 

it was pretty, all the houses looked expensive. esha and i thanked the man for the ride and got our bags out of the back of the car. 

i stood in front of the house for a second taking in the new home. it was like i was constantly moving around and i hated it because it reminded me of my childhood in foster care. but this was different, esha was by my side. 

"ready?" she looks towards me with comforting eyes. 

i nod my head as we step up the steps in the front. i knock on the door and gus immediately opens it. 

"i've been waiting so long for that car to come up, sitting by the door, checking the windows," he grabs me and pulls me into his embrace. he waves to esha not knowing her well enough to hug her but he kisses me quickly before moving to the side for us to come in. 

the place was relatively neat considering gus as a person. he typically was pretty messy not that i think he intentionally did it, i just think he had too many people at his house at once. 

"this is bexey," he introduces me to the kid with dyed hair sitting on the couch but i think he is more interested in esha, i can tell she thinks he's cute because she instantly moves close to him. 

"he's sharing a house with me so it's a good thing they get along, come with me baby," i follow gus into the bedroom we are sharing where i place my things by the closet he has. 

i take in the new bedroom. it is neat compared to his last room where clothes were thrown everywhere. 

"bexey kinda likes everything neat, it's also good because he doesn't want the crowds of people i used to have in the house in this house," gus sits down on the corner of the bed. 

"you can ask bexey if you don't believe me but i wasn't with anyone else the week i was waiting for you to come. i promise you mean the world to me vixen," he stares at me waiting for a reaction but i just smile and climb into his lap. 

"i trust you," i kiss him on the lips. 

one thing leads to another and next i thing i know i am waking up the next morning beside a shirtless gus. 

i walk out to the kitchen area where esha is standing, her hair is in a messy bun and she is wearing an oversized 50 cent jersey. 

"so i am assuming you fucked gus last night," she smirks as i throw my hair up. 

"says the one in a 50 cent jersey," i look her over smirking. 

"fine, we both had some fun last night what's the deal," she laughs as she puts a plate on the kitchen counter. 

"it's so funny how we both made the boys pancakes the first time we ever stayed in their house," i take one and she takes one as well. 

we sit at the table and eat over small talk. 

she seems to like bexey, he wasn't bad looking. she told me his name was george, and that he was from london and he was going to show her around later today. 

we ate the breakfast and soon the boys joined us happy over the fresh made pancakes sitting on the plate. 

i talked to everyone over breakfast. for the most part it seemed like gus was going to get his life together here in london. bexey told us he mostly smoked cigarettes but sometimes i was popping pills, i think gus was better off here at the end of the day. surrounded by someone who wasn't really always off the pills. i was hoping it would help sober him up. 

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