(9) So Not Auditioning...

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"Audition day, Zara!" My lovely roommate says in a singsong voice, fully clothed in blue stretchy leggings and a white crop top that is so short, it could pass for a bra. It is pretty though. I'd probably wear something like it.

That is if I was going. Which I'm not. I don't care if I signed up for the stupid audition! I was held against my will and they can't make me go!

"I'm sick. I can't go." I tell her from in my bed, as I pull the black duvet over my face and cough weakly. What? I never said I was good at faking sick.

"You're going." Jo tells me in a tone that means business. In a tone my mom used to use with me. Before she died. Because of me.

"No." I argue. "I am not." I tell her under my duvet in the same 'I mean business' voice that Jo just used on me.


"Just for the record, I am not okay with this." I pout to both Shane and Jo as they both carry me against my will to the auditorium where the auditions for the stupid dance team are being held. Jo is gripping my right arm, while Shane is gripping the other and I thought Shane was sweet! It is always the sweet ones, I tell you!

"It's for your own good." Jo says as she swings the door to the auditorium open and guess who I come face to face with?


I'm trying so hard not to laugh right now. Oh God! This chick is just too much, I swear. "So Zara," I start saying, trying my best to pull off a casual tone while simultaneously not laughing hysterically on the ground.

"How's it hanging?" And that's it. My self control breaks and I break out into a fit of laughter, my hands going to my belly.

"Fuck off, Cameron." My laughter stops suddenly as my eyes meet furious blue ones. I never, ever thought I'd be cursed out by Shane. I never even heard the girl swear before.

And before I can reply, Shane saunters off into the auditorium, letting go of Zara in the process. Zara immediately runs out into the hallway.

"Get her!" Jo yells at me. Okay. Going after her is a cause for disaster. It won't go well. At all. It is best that I don't go after the girl. I don't even know why Jo wants her to audition so bad anyway. Zara probably can't dance to save her life.

So why Zara? What is so special about this girl that Jo wants me to go after her?


Freedom! It never felt so good before. I can finally feel my arms again.

Until someone tackles me football style onto the hard floor. "Ow!" I whine. "I'm not a football, dude." I tell the person who tackled me and is not yet off me. No, instead, he is hovering over me and pinning my wrists down onto the cold tiled floor.

"No." He says, his tone a low, husky growl. "You're much more prettier." He points out and against my better judgement, I giggle.

"Well, I should hope so. I'd have to be some kind of ugly bitch who no boy in their right mind would ever want, right?" I ask in the coldest tone I can manage. I look over my shoulder, but he won't let my wrists up off the floor enough, so I end up just being able to look at my pink strapped shoulder, courtesy of the camisole I'm wearing. "I mean, I'd have to have some kind of a brown pimple on my face that resembles..." I pause, pretending to think about what it would resemble, but we both know what I'm going to say next. "I don't know. Maybe, a rat's turd." I tell him, my face going blank as I try to remember not to feel.

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