(4) Proposal

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"Get the fuck up!" Someone screams in my ear, making me jump off the bed as if there was a damn fire lit under my ass.

"What the fuck?" I screech at my roommate, Jo who in turn smirks while shrugging.

"Sorry." She says in that tone that makes you question whether a person is really, truly sorry. "I tried nudging you awake the nice way, but you just kept calling me Zayne and telling me to fuck off." She raises her beautifully thick eyebrows at me in question with a glimmer of humor in her dark brown eyes.

"Sorry. Not really that much for mornings." I murmur under my breath as I scurry around my new room as I try to avoid her eyes and go to my closet to gather my clothes.

I never like to talk about Zayne because then when people ask who he is and I say my brother, then they'll ask why does he wake you up or something along those lines and we will have to have that awkward as hell conversation of how both my parents died. And then, suddenly they are avoiding my eyes or asking really intrusive or dumb questions, like do you miss them? Or what's it like knowing both of your parents are dead?

I mean, I swear. Honestly, it's like these people don't even hear themselves when they ask that shit and I always have to be polite because I know that they don't know how to act because they are lucky mother fuckers who still have parents.

So, that's why I chose to get my shit and go to the public restrooms to shower. So that I could avoid the dreadful conversation that would inevitably follow.

"You're probably wondering why I woke you up." Jo starts talking to me as I walk into the shower stall and pull the curtain. The water streaming down my very naked body.

She just opens up the curtain without a care in the world, naked as sin. My hands immediately go to cover up my 'I love you tattoo' that know one has ever seen before.

"Dude!" I shout. "Get the fuck out!" I scream, my hands clinging to the skin that is tatted with the very personal tattoo.

"Oh, relax." She waves her hand at me dismissively. "Besides, you're not even my type."

I roll my eyes. "Good to know." So she only likes curly haired, moody jerks?

"Anyway," She draws out the word. Her eyes go to the floor as she takes a deep breath before meeting my eyes again. Her confidence back in full blast. "I woke you up because after the stupid orientation that I'm sure your gonna want to attend, they have this thing where kids attending the college show the club that they are in. You can walk around and see if you'll like any of them and if you do, you can sign up for an audition." She explains.

"Yeah. So," I look around the shower trying to figure out how to phrase what I want to say. "Here's the thing. You couldn't have told me this after I took my shower?" I point out. "You had to do it while I was naked and I had to see your body?" She seems to get offended and I quickly go to reassure her. "It's not like you don't have a good body. I just would rather not see it."

She quirks an eyebrow. Now clearly amused at my discomfort. "It's kind of like the Rock. I mean, he obviously has a damn good body, but I don't want to see all of it." I try to explain, to which she laughs so hard she stumbles a little and (thankfully) drops the curtain.

"All I'm saying," She finally says from behind the curtain after she recovers from my humiliation. "Is that you should come check out the clubs. I'm in a dance club and we're looking for a few more dancers. It's only me, Cameron and Shane." Cameron dances? Well he does have the body for it. He's a little bulky though. Aren't dancers supposed to be lean? "We need at least three other dancers in our team to qualify to compete. We're called Corners."

"Corners?" I question as I continue to soap up my body.

"We might have been high when we decided on the name." She says guiltily, confirming my thoughts and I giggle a little. "Just come. It'll be fun. Promise." Jo Reassures me.

I draw the shower curtain just far enough back so that I can see Jo and I have the cover clinging to my arm so it doesn't expose my body. "I would, but I don't dance." I tell her.

I don't tell her how I used to dance all the time. I took God knows how many classes and practiced all the time, but that was before.

Before the accident.

Before my life changed forever.

"Just think about it." She says finally and then goes into a shower stall and I continue my own shower, thinking that there is no way that I am auditioning for her stupid dance team.

Hell would have to freeze over for that to happen. I can assure you that.

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