(10) What Happens At Auditions Stays At Auditions

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"Alright." Cameron says loudly from up on the stage to everyone as he stands up. "Everyone ready to do this shit?" He asks to know one in-particular, to which a pretty Mexican girl answers "fuck yeah!"

And the girl next to her, who seems to be equally Mexican says to her in a much more calmer voice, "Cierra tu trampa Melia. ¿Quieres que los estadounidenses no nos dejen entrar en su equipo de baile?" She says all of this with a smile on her face, as if not to give away what she is really saying. Damn! I knew I shouldn't have slept through Spanish class in high school.

"It's okay." Cameron says with a smile on his face. "We Americans don't mind some excitement."

Wow! Not only is the guy sexy. He can speak Spanish. Well, then... I guess unlike me, he actually paid attention during Spanish class.

The girl with darker hair who'd chastised her friend smiles an embarrassed smile. "Sorry." She murmurs as she looks at her feet.

From there, Jo, Shane and Cameron all introduce themselves and explain how the auditions will go. First everyone will take a seat in the theater while one person goes up on the stage to perform a routine to the song 'Do I Want to Know' by The Arctic Monkeys. Which is great since I've heard that song like zero times! And then the remaining people who don't suck (Cameron's words. Not Mine) will go on center stage and take their dance partner that everyone should have, because you should be prepared (I'm in deep trouble) to dance to a different song. But, they won't all be doing it at the same time. It will be a few partners at a time. Cameron, Jo and Shane will all tap out the pairs or people that they aren't liking and if you get tapped on, that means you're out. The second song they chose is called 'Boys Like You' by Dodie. Where do they get these songs? I don't know either of the songs they selected. Probably because I don't like to listen to music because it makes me think of what I lost when I was twelve. The same reason I don't dance.

Shit! This was a bad idea.

Just as Jo calls for everyone to get in line, so they could mark everyone with a number for when they will be auditioning, I make my way to leave, but am stopped by a hand gripping my arm. "I don't have a partner either." I turn around and the person holding me lets me go.

Oh! The curly blonde. Kind of cold. June. Shane's roommate. "I don't even know the songs. Plus, we haven't practiced like the rest." I shrug.

"Hey!" Shane calls and both me and June look over to see her getting people set up. "June, for the partner auditions later, you'll be with me." She says, making June's eyebrows go skyrocket high in surprise. "Unless you'd rather it be Cameron." There's a certain bite to Shane's voice that tells me that I'm missing something. What the hell happened during sign-ups?

"No." June smirks, with a secretive glimmer in her eyes. "Don't you worry your little heart out Shane." She air kisses Shane, to which Shane just rolls her eyes, but by the way her lips quirk up ever so slightly. I can tell Shane finds June amusing. Weird. June is just plain old scary to me, but whatever. I mean it's her funeral.

Shane goes to her with a marker and the label. She puts the label on June and ever so slowly writes down the number fifteen on her back. "I'm all yours." June finally whispers so low that I wouldn't even be able to hear it if I wasn't standing so close to her.

But when she says those words. Man, It is like a pin drops or something because all of a sudden I feel the air thickening around them and instinctively, I know something big is gonna go down right here.

June looks over her shoulder at Shane and June looks so vulnerable in this moment and right then and there I know what that big moment is. June just gave Shane two options. Either Shane can ignore that comment or she can--

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