(24) It Doesn't Matter

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Queen Of Broken Hearts by Blackbear. Don't own the song, but I love it! The song just screams girl power! I think next chapter, there is might be some steam coming your way. So, until then... I've just started reading Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer and I love it! It is so interesting getting Edward Cullen's POV of things, you know? It was funny in the beginning of the book. He was actually trying to rationalize killing Bella Swan and the nineteen other students in the classroom! He wanted her blood that much! If any of you out there that are reading my book and are Twilight haters, I'm gonna tell you right now that I don't want to hear it! I mean, I love all of you for supporting my book and reading it, but I can't hear your hate on this book since it's the book series that actually got me into reading. I owe that series and Meyer's the world for that. So, yeah. You can hate on the book (though, I don't know why you would), but please don't comment said hate of Twilight on here. Anyways, happy reading ya'll! Like and comment!! Thank you, guys!! :) <3 <3


I was in the middle of feeding my snake some small and very alive mice when the door popped open.

"Snake? What snake? You're seeing things. Promise." I say immediately as I try to put the dead mice in Tigress's tank and shut it and my closet door as fast as I possibly can.

When I see that it is only Shane and June, I sigh with relief. "Oh, it's only you two."

June stalks toward me and--

Okay. She slapped me. Can't say I was expecting that.

"What the hell was that for?" I ask June, while holding my now stinging cheek.

"Why would you hit Noelle?" Shane demands, coming besides June and takes June's hand in hers.

"You two are back together?" I ask, trying to change the subject. "I can never tell." I go to my dresser, pretending to keep busy, but really just not wanting to face my interrogator's at the moment.

"Tell me, is it different doing the nasty with a girl or more weird? Because, I mean, you do have the same parts." I point out, looking at them. "Oh! Do you ever compare each other's tits?" I look at their chests not so subtly because Shane crosses her arms against her breasts and June does nothing. Not giving into my little game.

"Shane, it's okay. You can always get a boob job or who knows, you might grow into June's size." I touch Shane's shoulder, comfortingly.

"Are you done, now?" June asks me, calmly.

"I guess." I shrug, feigning equal calmness.

"Good." Shane cuts in. "Now, we can discuss what's going on with you."

"And why you bitch-slapped sweet Noelle." June adds.

"And why Zara and Cameron neglected to show up to rehearsal." Shane finalizes.

"Or I can finish getting ready to go to bed and you two can leave me alone." I go to my closet again and find some PJ's to wear. "Yeah. I like that idea much better."

"Come on." Shane flashes me those big, blue eyes and I feel it before it happens. My soul opened up. "Please." She juts out her lower lip and I sigh the most defeated sigh in the world.

"Fine." I say. I might as well. I mean, what have I got to lose?


So many things come into my mind at the same time.

Jenna. The girl I failed.

Zara. The girl who keeps running away from me for a reason I didn't understand.

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