(45) Sadistic people Getting People Into Dire Trouble

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"You don't want to call the authorities." Dean says calmly as he stumbles into the hallway. If only this was happening when classes weren't happening.

"And why is that?" I ask, as I mouth to Ms. Saco to leave, so she doesn't get into this mess.

She doesn't. Instead she stays. Okay, I have bigger problems right now than dealing with her, so...

Dean holds up his phone. It's on speaker. "Constance, get Jo on the phone for me, would you?" Constance? She's in on this too?

Wait -- did he say get Jo on the phone?

No, she's not--

"With pleasure." I hear Constance's slimy, flirtatious voice on the other end of that phone and I can almost sense her smirking sadistically at Jo. Fuck! Jo!

"What did you do, Dean?" Ms. Saco says, more calmly than I thought she would be. You know, because she just found out that her boyfriend and Charlotte's father is a sadistic bastard and all.

"What did you expect, Dianna?" Dean says. "A zebra never changes its stripes." I look at Ms. Saco and as I do, I realize that tears are escaping her eyes.

I realize that we both have something in common. We got involved with a married man knowing that he would never leave her and hoping he would because we thought we loved him.

Dianna is having her heart ripped into pieces right now as she faces the reality that took this very moment for me to understand: Dean will never love anybody but himself.

Before I realize what I am doing, I am beside Dianna and my hand holds her hand tightly.

She looks at me with the most vulnerable look that breaks my heart and I just give her what I hope is a reassuring smile.

A smile that says that he can't break us.

A smile that says we will get through this and be stronger because of it.

"Zara! Don't listen to a thing these people tell you. I'll be fi--" Jo's voice that had filled the hallway abruptly got cut off by Dean ending the call. Her voice was so weak and shaky. I could tell that despite her reassuring words she was not fine and everything would not be okay.

Not if I can't save Jo. She's in this mess because of me. She stayed when the going got tough. She had stuck by me and now I have to do the same for her.

"If you want to save her, you'll do everything I tell you to do." Dean grins that sadistic grin.

The one that says he holds all the cards here and he knows that there isn't a thing I can do to change that.

Where is Cameron?

"Come to me." Dean demands.

I suck in a sharp breath, knowing I can't deny him of what he wants. I close my eyes trying to stall this out as much as I possibly can.

"Now!" Dean says. I start walking to him, when he puts up a hand to stop me.

"Crawl." Of course.

I look back at Dianna and try to smile, but I know it comes out as a helpless snarl. I can't help it.

Dean demands us both to give him our phones. Not like we could do much anyway. If we called the authorities, Dean could easily slide out of this one. I know he could. It's not like I know where he's keeping Jo at, so there is no evidence linking him to his crime and he has a job here. He's respectable or seems to be.

I slowly crawl to Dean. It's hard to do with my cast, but it is getting better every day and I have been doing physical therapy. So, at least that helps. I wince from the pain of being on my hands and knees on the bare floor which makes Dean give me that smirk I hate so much.

Once I come to a stop right in front of his boxer-clad penis, he pats my head as if I'm a pet. I wish I could bite his fingers off, but I need to play his game because if I don't, I'll never find out where Jo is.

I take out my phone and give it to him. Dianna does the same. I've decided to call her Dianna because she's not my teacher and she's in the same situation as me. So, it only seems fair.

"Now let's go into your room and finish what we started like the good girl I know you are." He motions for me to go to my room and I do on my hands and knees like he wants as I feel tears start to come down my cheeks. I wish they would go away. I wish they wouldn't be here because I have to stay strong.

I have to believe that I will get away from this situation because if I don't believe that, then he really does hold all the cards in this situation.

I can't let him win. I have to find out what he is planning and I have to get Jo out of this situation as safely as possible.

Dean comes into the room, pulling on Dianna's hair, making sure she comes along. He throws her to the ground next to me.

"You have nothing on me!" She screams from on the floor.

"Really?" Dean laughs cruelly. He gets his phone out of his jeans back pocket still on the floor and dials what I'm assuming is Constance's number. "Constance, put Charlotte on the phone." He says this while looking at Dianna with challenge in his gaze.

Oh, no! Isn't that the name of her--

"Mama!" A whimpering one-year old says on the line. "Mama!" She cries again.

"Baby! My Baby!" Dianna cries out as she reaches frantically for the phone only to get kicked in the face by one of Dean's fancy dress shoes. She falls down and blood trickles from down her nose. Her upper lip is busted open gushing out blood.

Dean ends the call and puts his phone on my dresser.

And that's when I remember I have scissors under my pillow. They aren't a knife. I know that, but what if I can use the scissors to threaten Dean with them.

But he knows I would never kill him because he has Jo and Charlotte in captivity and I need to know where they are. Plus, I'm not as strong as Dean. He could easily push me off of him.

I guess I just have to wait it out and bide my time, but either way I know I am getting out of this.

Dean will be sorry he ever knew my name.

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