(29) First Dance

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I don't own this song or video. It is called Bluebird and it is by Christina Perri. it is the song that Zara first got into dancing with, so I thought it was worth putting up so you could listen to it if you wanted to! Anyway, vote and comment because I'd really appreciate it! Happy reading and thanks for checking out my story! :) <3 <3


I put on the song Bluebird by Christina Perri after I warmed up and got my blood pumping. This song was the first song I'd ever danced to. This was the song that told me I was born to dance.

I remember when I first stumbled upon this song. It was like something just snapped within me.

Ten years ago: The first time Zara had ever danced

I knocked on my brother's door before going in and promptly closing it again. "Zayne!" I scream into his room. "You're disgusting!"

The girl I saw that Zayne was on top of and profusely making out with torpedoes passed me and runs down the stairs. Zayne promptly rushes in after her and past me. "Cara! Come on!" But she must be already gone because he comes up the stairs again and boy does he look pissed at me!

"Zara! What the hell is wrong with you?" He yells at me.

I roll my eyes at him. "I didn't know you were entertaining people! I just wanted to play with you." I exclaim.

He huffs and walks past me into his room, but doesn't close his door. I take that as an okay to follow him, so I do. I see him walk over to his dresser and get a small, square and shiny object with earbuds. He shoves the thing into my hand before I can ask questions.

"It's an MP3 player." He answers my unspoken question for me. "Whenever you get a little lonely, from now on and I'm not available ,just take that out," He points to the black MP3 player in my hands. "And give it a listen."

I look down at it in question before meeting my big brother's gaze. "How does it work?" I ask him.

He takes the player out my hands and goes to sit on his unmade bed, patting the spot next to him for me to sit and I do. He shows me some of his favorite stations and lets me download some songs as well.

When I point to a song by Christina Perri called Bluebird and Zayne scrunches his face up in disgust. "Really?" He questions. "That song is so depressing."

I shrug. I never heard it before, but when I saw the title something about that song just spoke to me. Zayne downloads it, muttering "whatever" under his breath while doing it.

When it's all set up, Zayne kicks me out of his room and I stick my tongue out at the closed door. "Love you too, big bro." I mutter and scoff at the ground just before taking my MP3 player to my room.

I lay on my pink duvet spread on the bed and put my headphones on and listen to Bluebird. The song that intrigued me and when I hit play, it was like a switch had turned on. My body started moving of its own accord.

As the beat filled my head and I listened to Perri's voice, I felt my limbs start to dance with the music as I got up from my bed. I felt such a powerful connection with this song for some reason and I let my body speak for me when my words failed.

When the song ended, I felt my heart beating rapidly in my chest and I was out of breath. I sat down on my bed and when I turned around to do it, I saw my brother, my dad and my mom all in the doorway and looking in at me in amazement.

I guess I made too much noise. I didn't even hear them come in. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make too much noise." I say sheepishly, feeling my cheeks redden.

"Never mind that." My mom exclaimed and came into my room to be closer to me. My father followed her, but my brother stayed in the doorway with this look of awe on his face.

They both took a spot next to me on the bed. "How did you do that?" My brother piped up from in the doorway.

I shrugged. "I don't know." I mutter, not liking the attention. "It just sort of happened."

And that's how it all started. With one dance when I was eight. One dance that led to the demise of both my parents.

One dance.

One song.

Present day

This song had started everything.

This song had given my soul a purpose, but this song had also led to something darker. This song was the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me.

In the middle of the song when I start to break into a series of spins, my foot slips and I fall on my ankle with a broken wail coming from somewhere. To my utter horror, I realize that wail came from my lips.

And the worst part is that when I look down, I see that my leg is twisted at an unnatural angle.

And that's when I know.

I know that I am not meant to dance. Someone in this world doesn't want me to dance.

Both my parents died because they were taking me to my dance recital.

I'm the reason my brother didn't go to college.

I almost broke up an older guy's marriage and got my brother so worried that he felt the need to hire an investigator.

I'm corrupting Cameron into the world of BDSM when he never asked to be a part of that world.

I punched Jo when all she wanted was for me to open up to her. To let her in.

I'm a robot. I'm incapable of letting people in.

I mean, I laugh at the right time. Join in on things on occasion and say all the right things, but when it comes to real bonding time?

I always clam up.

Because bonding means getting to know someone and getting to know someone means opening myself up to a world of hurt. I could get hurt again.

And why wouldn't I when I always seem to? What would possibly make this time any different?

I can't get up. I know I can't even before I try moving my leg. It won't budge and I just end up screaming more.

Before I have any time to worry about getting help, someone opens up the door's to the auditorium.

And I know who it is even before they run up to the stage to help me. I'd know that white-as-snow hair and sky blue eyes anywhere.

Finn Conroy. We meet again.

"Oh Zara." His sympathetic eyes meet mine as he kneels to where I am. "I'm going to get help. You just hang tight, okay?" I roll my eyes.

"Dumb question." I point to my leg, showing him that obviously I'm gonna hang tight because I can't not hang tight.

His cheeks grow the color of ripe tomatoes. "Right." He acknowledges sheepishly just before taking out his phone to call someone who can help me out of this mess.

Whoever thought that Finn would ever be the one to save me from anything? I always thought that he'd be the one to get me into a mess. Not out of one.

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