(35) Things We Say to SpongeBob in Moments of Embarrassment

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The song above is called Shameless and it is my Camila Cabello. I do not own the video nor do I own the song, but I thought it kind of explains both Zara Cameron's dynamic and relationship with how they feel about each other! I have a new story that I am also working on. It is called Skin Deep. I only have a chapter so far on it, but I've been having that idea for awhile now and the idea would not rest, so I decided to work on two stories at the same time and see how that'll work. This story is still my main priority, but I will be updating Skin Deep too! So, if you want to check that out and decide it might be something you are interested in, go for it! It would mean the absolute world to me! Anyway, happy reading! Hope you enjoy this chapter and are enjoying the story so far! It means the world to me that you have been reading my story thus far! I hope this chapter does not disappoint!! Vote and comment, please because I'd really appreciate it!! Now, let's get to the story, shall we? <3 <3 :)

I bet I'm a mess in this moment. Mascara is probably running down my cheeks. I bet my eyes are all puffy and red.

"It's not your fault." Cameron whispers into my ear and I want to interject, but then he nibbles on my ear and I get lost in Cameron.

"You were just a kid." Cameron murmurs as he trails kisses down my neck until he gets to my collar bone. His tongue swirls around that area and I feel myself arching my back and opening up my legs so that he can get closer to me.

And he does.

And all I can think right now, is that I would not change what is happening between us for the world. I've never felt this much passion in a person and we haven't even had sex yet.

I grip his chin temporarily forgetting that I'm not supposed to have control here and when I do remember my place, I prepare myself for the impact of the slap. Scrunching up my face, but all I get is Cameron's soft lips on mine. His hands go in my hair as he coaxes my lips to open with his lips and I feel myself giving into what he wants.

Because I'm lost in Cameron. I can't get enough of him. The feel of his body melded to mine. His hands lightly threading their way into my hair. My hands go to the ends of his shirt and I slip them under, feeling his toned body.

His v and although he doesn't have abs, his chest is very defined with a little bit of flab in between that kind of makes him that much more perfect. He's a mix of muscle and flab and for some reason, I love it. I mean, Dean was always so muscular that I never really knew what to do with him. He was always so cocky. It was almost like just because he had a six-pack, he thought I should worship the ground he walked on or something and for some reason, abs never really did it for me.

Call me crazy, but I was never interested in the toy. I was more interested in how the toy worked. But what do I know?

And if this kiss is any indication on how the product works? I'm thinking I'll love how the product works.

The kiss is hesitant at first and then slowly it builds into an all consuming fire.


And that fire is indescribable. It's a push and pull between us. No one person leading the kiss. It's like we are one person at this moment. Both tuned into what the other needs and feeding into our own needs resulting in the best kiss of my life.

Until suddenly, Zara pushes me away by putting her hands on my pecs and pushing. "What is it?" I question, slightly out of breath. So is Zara. Her lips are a puffy, beautiful mess.

"You aren't going to..." She leaves that question hanging. She seems hesitant, like she doesn't know how to say this.

"What?" I push. Zara puffs out a breath.

"When we do eventually..." Have sex? Judging by her provocative hand gesture, I'm guessing so. Funny that she can't say the actual word, but she can make the hand gesture. "You're not going to stick it in my butt, right?"


Cameron sputters. He actually sputters.

I immediately rush to explain. "It's just that the first day I met you, you had stuck it in Jo's butt. And I heard girls talking and they said that you tend to do it that way." I don't think that explanation made it any better. I think it made it worse.

"Um." Cameron clears his throat, looking like he'd like to be anywhere else right about now. I know the feeling.

Why did I have to ask that? I was just so nervous! We were making out and it was getting really intense and it has never been that way for me.

Sex has always been an escape for me. Even with Melia. So, when it got intense with Cameron and I felt myself wanting to go further with him -- not for an escape -- just because it felt so good, I guess I got scared and asked Cameron the first question I could think of.

Why did it have to be about his former sex life, though? Wait! Now, that I'm thinking about it, we never really said that we were exclusive. What if he is still having sex with other girls? Why should I care?

And just like that, my phone starts to ring and it could not come at a better time! Cameron looks as relieved as I feel. I take my phone out of my pocket and check who it is. Zayne. Thank God for annoying older brothers!

"I should probably take this." I say to Cameron. Well, really to SpongeBob since I'm too embarrassed to look him in the eye at the moment.

"Yeah. Okay." Cameron answers. "I'll just see you later then?"

"Yep." I nod and get out of there as if it was on fire and answer the phone.

"Oh my God! Your call could not have come at a better time!" I tell my brother, finally letting out the breath I was too nervous to let out when I was in that cabin.

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