(20) Smile

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The video above is titled Rhiannon McGavin - "Smile". I don't own the video. I love the poem, though. McGavin has so much emotion in the poem and the words she is saying! I really love the poem and think it's worth a listen! Plus, it definitely sets the mood for this chapter! Fair warning: It is sad. It'll get better, though! Promise! I'm pretty sure I've said this to you guys before, but I mean it! Anyway, vote and comment! I would really appreciate the love and support, my peoples! Thank you so much for sticking with me through this journey so far! Hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I am! Anyway, happy reading guys! (That was a lot of exclamation points! :)) <3 <3 :)


I should probably give her her space, right? I mean, if she wanted to hear me out then she'd hear me out.

Unless... She could just be insecure. I mean, maybe if I just follow her without her knowing, then...

Okay, I don't have a good reason for following her, but I'm gonna do it anyway. The girl looked like she'd seen a ghost. I'm doing this for her benefit and if I just happen to find out more about her this way. Well, then that's good too.


Why do I feel like I'm being followed? I mean, I keep checking behind my shoulder and I find no one there.

Is it just my imagination? Have I become paranoid? Is this what it has come down to?

I take a deep breath, trying to shake off my nerves.

Just see what he wants and then you can get out of there. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. With that little pep-talk, I open up the door that leads me outside the front entrance of my school.

Princeton. Dean Borderra better not ruin this thing for me. "What do you want?" I demand as soon as I approach him.

"It's nice to see you."

"Really?" I ask skeptically.

"Of course not, princess." He scoffs. "I mean, you almost ruined my marriage. Konstance is good by the way. Thanks for asking." I always thought that was a stupid name, but if she's still with him, then I guess the stupid name suits her.

"What do you want?" I repeat.

"Do you really want to do this here? Wouldn't want anyone to see and get you in trouble. Now, would we?" He's being condescending. I can tell by the way he sneers and takes out a pack of cigarettes out of his suit pocket and lights it up.

Taking a long drag of it, he makes sure to blow it in my face. Nice. I see he's his same old, selfish, prick self.

"You can't smoke here." I'm trying to stay calm, but it is really hard to. He wants something. I know that and based on what we used to do whenever we were together outside of school (besides the obvious) what he wants could just be the very thing to kick me out of here. I mean, I'm surprised I got in here in the first place. There is no way I am just giving this up. At least not without a fight.

"Oh, really?" He mocks me. "I don't see a no-smoking sign anywhere."

"It's literally stated clearly right there." I point to the sign near the front entrance where we are.


And that's where I start to zone out. Who the fuck is this dude? At first, I thought it was her dad, but not only do they not look like each other. He's being very hostile towards her. He even blew smoke in her face and you aren't even supposed to be smoking on school grounds!

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