(53) On First Impact

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Hola, my peoples! I am so sorry for not updating sooner! I think this is the longest I have ever gone without updating. The only reason that is is because I got my computer taken from me Friday and hadn't been able to update since and before then I had my computer taken away before a brief break until it had gotten taken away again, but I got it back today and I intend to not get in trouble anytime soon, so I think it will be here to stay! I have actually been feeling amazing! I don't why! Maybe it is because it is almost Christmas or because I finally realized how much of a sexy beast I am after all these years of living with myself! :) Whatever it is, I hope my good mood persists because this is fucking awesome! I haven't felt this good about myself since... I think it was fourteen or thirteen? Has it really been that long? Anyway, happy reading! Hope y'all enjoy! Comment and vote because I work hard to get ya this awesome work! :) Also, the song is called Stay Away From Me by Machine Gun Kelly and Mod Sun. Don't own video or song, but thought it'd go well with this chapter. :)


This chapter is told from Zara's past and it is intense! The last memory she has of him before he comes back two years later! So, just be prepared for that.

two years ago: Zara

"You are such a screw up!" Master yells as he gives my face a solid punch right on my nose and just between my eyes. I'm on my knees, protected by the chains held by shackles on both of my wrists.

I can't move much. All I can do is take it.

I have to take the pain, even as blood flows from the bridge of my nose and leaves a puddle between my thighs.

"How could you be so stupid?" Master paces back and forth in front of me with his perfect suit and his shiny shoes I often help keep clean with my spit. He goes behind me where all the weapons are. I hear movement. Things are being opened. Doors being opened and closed.

And then he comes back.

With his cane.

He only ever used the cane on me twice, but never while he was as mad and fuming as he is now.

"Stand." He says. His face is stony. His mind made up.

The cane is brown and wooden. Big and fat. He has only ever used a thin cane and judging by his face right now, he's looking for me to be hurt.

He wants my pain.

"I said," Dean grinds his teeth silently. He takes a deep breath and finishes his sentence, "Stand the fuck up!" He takes the cane in his hand and whips it in the air. The noise it makes is powerful.

I get up on wobbly legs and before I can say or do anything he swings the cane and hits both my nipples at the same time and I scream out in pain, collapsing back down on the ground and trying to clutch my breasts, but it is hard to do so when both of your hands are shackled like mine are.

Before I know it Dean is putting shackles on both of my ankles so they are chained too and he is tightening the shackles around my hands so it will be harder for me to get back down even if I wanted to.

"Up." He orders me like I'm a goddamn dog. I guess I have been his dog in a way. He says jump. I say how high. I've always been okay with following his orders.

I've never had any problem with it before, but all I ever wanted was to be his fully and I started to realize that he would never do that.

So, I retaliated in the only way I knew how. "Don't make me say it again." I slowly start to wobble up and he goes behind me and I know without him having to say anything what is going to be coming my way.

He taps my butt with the cane lightly once. Twice. A third time as I wait for the impact of the whack to hit my butt with baited breath.

Another tap.

And then it comes. "Fuck!" It does not stop. He keeps at it even as my knees start to buckle beneath me, not able to support my weight anymore.

He keeps whacking my ass relentlessly. The more he hits me the harder it feels. It feels like I'm being pounded by bricks repeatedly. Each new hit comes more bricks. Only it is a cane. A fucking cane!

Why does it hurt this much? Why is he doing this?

Oh, right because I found out about his drug business and flushed his million dollar supply down the toilet all because he refused to leave his wife for me.

Spoiled bitch, right?

And now I'm paying for it. With each new strike comes a new welt. I feel wetness start to fill my butt. Making the fire on my butt that much worse. He keeps on whacking my butt. No matter how much I scream. No matter how many marks he makes. No matter how much blood he spills on me. It doesn't satisfy him.

And because of that I do something I've never done before. Along with screaming, I yell out: "Stop it! Stop it, master! Please!" We don't have a safe word. Master said he'd know when he'd crossed a limit of mine.

Right now, I wish I had a safe word because I would use it.

"You did this to yourself." He defends himself never once stopping from hitting my butt with that wretched cane. "You were the one who threw a million dollars worth of supply down the fucking drain! Please wouldn't have stopped you then and please isn't gonna stop me now." Another wack. This one made me put my shackled hands to cover up my butt so he would stop wanking at it.

It does the trick. He doesn't hit my butt anymore. Instead, he wacks my right arm and keeps doing that until I hear a snapping of some sort and something collapsing on the floor.

I look behind my shoulder and see it was the cane. He broke the cane with how hard he was hitting my butt! I look up and see Dean seething and glaring at the cane.

I look ahead at me at the red walls before he sees me looking at him and gets even more angry at me.

And then I feel another whack on my ass. The palm of his hand. I don't know how hard it is. It could be just a tap or like a brick, but it is enough for tears to trickle down my cheeks. My hand is not leaving my butt. He still managed to whack my butt though.

I hear the pitter patter of his footsteps as he walks away. A few seconds later, he is back to hitting me like nobody's business. Only this time, he hits my arm. He doesn't bother to move it.

It feels like the cane again and hurts just as bad.

I scream. I cry. I beg for mercy. I try to free myself from my binds without any luck. I have to take my beating and it is no one's fault but my own.

I should have just been happy with the love he was willing to give me, but I always had to have more and now I am suffering because of it.

I hear someone faintly saying: ''Open the door! NYPD!" And that stops Dean.

He whispers to me. "This isn't over. When you are just starting to move on from your life, I will haunt you down and I will not stop until I have destroyed everything you ever wanted. Just like you tried to do with me." And with that, he escapes out of the back door. He has an exit to his garage from in here.

He will be long gone before the police come up here.

All they will see is a pathetic girl all bloodied and naked.

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