(23) Hot For Teacher

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Alright, I think ya'll know the routine by now, but in case you don't... I don't own the video or the song, but this song obviously goes with this chapter.  If you couldn't tell by the chapter's name, the song is called 'Hot For Teacher' and was originally sung by Van Halen, but I like the glee version better. If you don't, then look up the Van Halen video. Unless, you just don't like the song... I think it is a cute song and also just sets the mood for this chapter. Just so you know, this chapter is going to be a bit heavy, so grab your tissues if you wanna. I know I got a little emotional myself. I was watching Degrassi: the Next Generation today and that got me so emotional because I got to the episode of gun violence and it really got me thinking. I even wrote a poem about it. Sorry. Had to! :) The episode had really got me thinking about how gun laws and mental health laws need to be much stricter and better. Also, I think every school should a metal detector. You know? Because then, it would be extra hard for someone to sneak a gun inside a school. Anyway, sorry for all my talking. I just spent four hours at a car dealership today, so sorry if their are more mistakes than usual. I'm a bit worn out, but the good thing is my mom made me pizza and I love her pizza. Plus, we are getting a new GMC Acadia and this time it is not going to be grey! All of our cars and trucks have been, but mom is finally sick of it like me and is getting it in metallic blue! So that's fun. Okay, okay! Now, I'm done! Promise! This note is a lot longer than usual. Wouldn't blame you if you skipped over it or not read it entirely. I probably would have. Anyways, happy reading! Vote and Comment, please! Your support means more to me than you could ever know! <3 <3 :)

Two Years ago...

I hate geometry. I just never seem to understand it and Mr. Porter doesn't make it any better with his droning tone that could lull the most energetic of people to sleep.

But then, one day, on a Monday, the most wonderful thing happened! I show up and he's not there! The principal is with this beautiful male specimen, instead. I remember all I could do was stare at the muscles he clearly had bulging beneath that suit and those eyes, though covered in glasses, I could tell, were something worthy of my attention. Brown eyes with tiny specs of gold and even green in them.

And as Principal Young (who by the way was anything but what his last name led you to believe) was telling us all about how Mr. Porter had a heart attack and was currently in the hospital, (he later on died) I just kept thinking about how this was the best day of my life because that meant that this forty--something, hotter than sin, sex on a stick of a guy was going to teach us Geometry.

And yeah, I know I said geometry and me don't mix, but seeing this teacher who I later found out that his name was Mr. Borderra, I was ready to make geometry my favorite subject.

Hell! I'd say anything because all through class, even after Mr. Young left us all to it, Mr. Borderra was staring at me. Me! A short and quirky junior with blonde hair and no friends, but that didn't seem to matter to Mr. Borderra.

One day, just as the bell for the end of geometry class had rung and students were getting up from their seats left and right.

Mr. Borderra's voice had stopped me just as I was heading out the door.

"Zara." He'd called out.

"Yes?" I asked, trying to calm my rapidly beating heart. I mean, I didn't want to have a heart attack! I turned around to meet the mystery of his eyes and noticed that he was growing a slight beard and had a mustache. Although I usually did't like facial hair on guys, I noted that he could actually pull it off.

"I noticed that you are having a hard time with parallel and perpendicular lines. You really should have learned this in ninth grade, but seeing as though you clearly didn't I can help you with it now." He told me and I felt my face immediately heat up.

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