(48) Cry Me a River

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Warning: This chapter may be unsuitable for certain readers. Read at your own risk. This is probably my most hard to read chapter yet and that is saying something. Even my stomach is turning and I feel bile rising up my throat and I'm the  one who wrote it! So, just keep that in mind as you read this. If you read this. You don't have to. It's not worth getting sick over. I will tell you what happened at the end of the chapter, if you don't want to know all the details.


His house is every bit as pretentious as I thought it would be. Everywhere I look I see white. White rug. White furniture. White walls. I wonder if his playroom is white. In his old house it was black and red.

He blindfolded us on the drive here, so that means we're probably not going to die here. I think.

We're both naked and on leashes, crawling on our hands and knees, trying to keep up with Dean as he drags us across his house to what I'm assuming will lead to his playroom.

A couple hours before in Zara's room

"Take everything but your panties off." Dean demanded while taking off his boxer briefs.

I take everything off immediately. I know the drill. In situations like these when you are given an order by Dean, it is best you follow it without hesitation. I mean, it's gonna happen either way; so why make it difficult?

Dianna apparently didn't get the memo because she just shakes her head no.

"Don't struggle. He'll only make this worse for you if you do." I whisper as silently as possible.

Dianna nods, her face full of tears she can't keep in. This is difficult for any human being to process, especially when you've never experienced this type of treatment before. So, I get it. That being said, I still wanted to punch her in the face for making this situation that much more difficult.

"Aw. Are you okay?" Dean mocks her as he walks up to her. Close enough so that he can cup her chin.

She cries more, averting her gaze from Dean. "Please don't hurt my baby. I don't care what you do to me, but please don't hurt her." She pleads.

Dean takes his hand from off of her face, only to rear it back in a powerful slap across her cheek causing her to turn her face sideways. The skin where he slapped her, a blood red. "Strip." He murmurs to her, almost like a lover's promise. Or in this case curse. An ex-lover's curse, assuming Dianna wouldn't still want to be with him now that she knows what he's capable of.

Dianna doesn't strip to both me and Dean's surprise. Instead, she meets his gaze head on with a stone cold look that only a mama bear could manage. "Don't you care about your own child?" She whispers so intensity and with so much emotion that I feel my heart start to break.

She wasn't crying for herself. She was crying for her baby.

Dean, unmoved, wears a blank expression while stepping back from her. "If you don't strip in about five seconds, I will not hesitate to call Constance and she will kill your baby." Dean gets his phone from beside the dresser and shows us Constance's number. His thumb right above the button. "One." He begins.

Dianna gasps. "You wouldn't." Her eyes as wide as saucers and before he can even get to number two, she is fully unclothed with everything but her panties taken off.

"There you go!" Dean grins and puts his phone in the pocket of his jeans. "I knew all you needed was some inspiration. That wasn't so bad, was it?" He asks Dianna.

She glares at him fiercely, but says nothing. I bet we're both thinking the same thing. 'Rot in hell, Dean.'

"Zara." Dean looks at me and I feel my body start to shake with fear. "Pull your panties down to your ankles. Let's continue where we dropped off. I want to fuck you from behind." No condom. I am on the pill, but what if I get an STD or something? I'm sure he's had sex with his fair share. We used a condom before, but something tells me he just doesn't care anymore.

But, I do. I care.

But I have no choice.

"Now!" Dean yells and I do as he says, pulling my panties down to my ankles. "Good girl." He compliments. "Now, waddle your way to the wall." I do, tripping several times along the way, hearing Dean's sinister laughter fill up the room making me sick to my stomach.

My cast is getting in the way, but for some reason, I'm able to move. Maybe the adrenaline from the fear of Dean doing exactly this to me is making my body just not care about my health.

"Dianna, lick Zara's pussy." And then I do. I throw up on the floor next to me.

I wish that stopped Dean.


He didn't cum inside me because he wanted us to switch positions. Dianna being the one he fucks and me licking her vagina.

I did not puke again, but I did feel like doing it. Bad.

And just as we are about to enter this room that I'm assuming is Dean's playroom, someone bursts into the hallway.

Okay, so what happened was, Dean took the girl's to his house with them both collared like dogs. He blindfolded them on the way there. Zara has a flashback of what happened in her room a couple hours ago of Dean and Zara doing it doggy style while Dianna licks Zara's vagina and then, before he can cum in her he makes them switch positions. Zara throws up in the mix of things and Deans doesn't care. He keeps it going. Fun stuff. (Okay, I'm going to stop now because my stomach is twisting and turning and I really don't want to throw up. So, yeah). Comment and like please because I work hard on making chapters for you guys and it would really mean a lot to me. :) <3 <3

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