(49) Bang Bang

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Warning: Proceed with caution because this chapter does include some content that some readers may be sensitive to.

Cameron (two hours ago)

When I saw the scene before me -- Bloody panties, blood on the rug, stale puke wafting in the air leaving a toxic and putrid smell in its wake -- all I wanted to do was kill him. I didn't fucking care! I wanted his blood on my hands. I wanted him begging me for mercy, so I could laugh in his face and point the gun right at his pretentious forehead and press it in. Let him stir for a minute. Wanting to escape and knowing he can't.

And then I would pull the trigger and get out of the way so his dead body didn't land on me.

But, most of all, I want Zara in my arms. I want to hug her. Kiss her. Never let her go. I've never known pain like this. Not even when Jenna died. That probably makes me a bad person to admit but it is what it is.

And then my phone buzzes from in my back pocket. I jump a little in surprise and then pick it up. Jo, again. How did she get her phone?

And then I read it and I feel this immense relief wash over me. It's Dean's address. Right where he's keeping Zara.


Should I just set them free, so it doesn't look bad for me? I mean, I already told the guy where my husband is keeping them. Yeah, I'm gonna do that.

"I just had a baby and if you don't let me out of here, I will aim my titties at you and spill titty milk all over you!" That's Jo.

She just keeps talking. If I didn't think I was too pretty for jail, I would have just killed her.

Good thing I had gloves on me this whole time and my passport.

"You know what Jo, keep your titties to yourself. I'm going to set you free." And by the time they call the police, I'll be fleeing the country.


I'm at a gun store. I don't really know how I got here. I meant to go to his place, but I found myself here.

Well, I guess I'm making a pit stop. I'll make it quick. I promise Zara. I promise.


"Hey, guys!" And that's how Jo greets us after being kidnapped for hours. She has some marks on her neck and dried blood all over her, but you'd never know it by her greeting. "Did you miss me?" She asks, still standing by the door to our practice room.

Without a second thought, I run to her and give her the biggest hug ever.

Zara (now)

Out in the hallway comes the person I knew would come. The person I've been waiting for.


Tousled, un-brushed, chestnut curls. Brown eyes that look like they haven't slept in days. Rosy, plump, juicy lips.

I haven't realized how much I missed him until now. How stupid I was to push him away when he came. He came when no one else would. He fought for me.

I get up off my knees as carefully as one can with a cast on and try to rush toward Cameron, but Dean pulls on my leash making me stumble back. I grab the collar on my throat out of instinct, whimpering pitifully.

"Let her go." Cameron says in the calmest, coldest voice ever. His gaze never wavering from mine.

Dean scoffs in his face. "What are you gonna do about it, lover boy?" And then Cameron pulls out a gun.

"Get your fucking hands off my girl or I will not hesitate to pull the trigger." Cameron has his hand on the trigger, pointed right at Dean's forehead. "What will it be?" Cameron asks as if he doesn't have a care in the world. As if he could do this all day and I'd believe that if it weren't for that muscle in his jaw grinding a little. He only does that when he's annoyed and his eyes have a hint of fear in them before he blinks and his face becomes blank again.

And with that, Dean slowly drops my leash. "Undo her leash and collar." Cameron says, his face stone cold. "And Ms. Saco's too." Dean quickly undoes mine and as soon as I'm free I run behind Cameron, knowing he can't let his guard down for one moment because as soon as he does, Dean will turn the tables.

I feel Cameron's hand feeling around my thigh, hips and waist before finding my hand and he grips it tight in his. He looks back at me for a split second, adoration and another emotion that I can't quite identify in his eyes.

"I love you." And before I can say it back, Dean suddenly pulls out a knife. Grabbing a hold of Dianna, he pulls her in front of him and presses the knife to her neck.

And then I hear a big crashing sound, followed by clunking footsteps until we all see them.

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