(15) Rhythm to Body

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I do not own this video, but it is a poem about self-esteem. The speaker, Kate Hao, talks about self-esteem in a very unique way. She is a fantastic writer! You can feel the hurt and pain roll off her when she speaks these words. She has an amazing voice that is so worth checking out! It sets the mood too! Anyway, hope you check it out. (I don't own it, but thought it would be worth checking out since it relates to the subject matter of this chapter). Happy reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! I'd really appreciate the support! :) <3

I'm currently getting ready for our first practice after my classes. It's right after them, so I decide to put on my bra (a leotard doesn't support my girlies. They will just be flopping around like nobody's business if I don't put one on and believe me, no one wants to see that). and my light yellow leotard on under my black leather leggings and light green buttoned t-shirt (long sleeved).

I decide to put on my green sandals to match my top when my phone rings.

It's Anita. Weird. We don't usually talk without Zayne as a buffer. I shrug and answer it anyway, figuring I still have some time left over before classes start.

"Get on Skype right now so I can tell you how much I hate your brother!" I raise my eyebrows.

"Hello to you too. College is going good. Thanks for asking." I say sarcastically.

I can practically feel Anita's eyes roll from here. She huffs out a breath as she sniffles. "You know I love you, but I just need to see your face and vent." Then, she adds quietly, "Please."

I hesitate. "What about your friends? Can't you bitch to them about my brother?" My tone comes off slightly more aggressive than I'd intended it to.

"Okay, I know you don't like emotions and that being a bitch is your thing, but I need to talk to someone that understands him on the same level that I do, if not more. Please." She pleads. She sounds desperate and as much as I want to continue to argue with her, I decide to just suck it up.

So, I get my computer out and sit on my bed as I pull up Skype and then see Anita's face. Or the red nosed, mascara running, tissue clinging clone that replaced her. Okay, this is worse than I thought.

I take a deep breath as I figure out what to say to her. "Alright," I say, begrudgingly. "Lay it on me." I decide to lean my back on the bed frame and pull my knees up under my computer, trying to get as comfortable as I can. I figure I'm gonna be here awhile.

I guess I'll be missing the first period again. I'll get the work from the professor afterwards, I suppose.


I crawl into Jenna's bedroom, as I feel the air around me grow tense. I get chills down my back and my heart starts to pound beneath my white sweatshirt.

What the hell? I'm just visiting my sorta-kinda girlfriend. Why am I freaking out so much?

Why does it feel like something isn't right?

As I land on her white plush carpet, I expect to find Jenna sitting on the edge of her bed with a glass of water in her hands.

Instead, I am met with nothing and that tense feeling grows.

"Jenna?" I call out her name, trying not to be too loud so I don't wake up her parents in the middle of the night.

I get up off the floor and search her room. It's bigger than most and even has a private bathroom to it. Not finding her anywhere, I decide to knock on her bathroom door. "Jenna?" I call out.

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