(5) That Damn Dance Team

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(Song is called Lost the Game by Two Feet. I would hold off playing the song until you get to Cam's point of view. I think the song will make more sense if you play it with Cam's POV. Anyway, don't forget to like and comment!! Thank you! Happy reading!)

I auditioned for Jo's stupid dance team.

I guess hell did freeze over.

Fuck me.

So, here's how that shit went down. After I showered and brushed my teeth, I got dressed in some black yoga pants and a gray turtleneck with long sleeves that managed to cover up my arm sleeve. People kind of start to judge you if they see you have tattoos and I wasn't in the mood for that today, so I just decided to cover them up. I also have black leather boots with a slight heel to them which I appreciate very much. I always love it when I look taller than I already am.

I went to that orientation that Jo knew I'd go to and then when it was over and I was walking back to the dorms, I suddenly felt two hands tug me away.

Who were those two hands you ask? Well, they were my roommate Jo's of course.

She nearly managed to give me a heart attack, but she apparently did not see anything wrong with what she did. Go figure.

Then she shoved the clipboard with the signup sheet in my hand along with a pen. "Sign." She demanded.

"Not her!" Someone groans and my eyes meet Cameron's and I promptly cling onto that excuse.

"oh, shucks." I make a hand motion with my arm and furrow my eyebrows. "Looks like not all your teammates are on board, Jo. Guess I can't audition." I shrug and muster up my most false sympathetic face I can manage. "I mean, I wouldn't want to upset anyone." I explain.

"That's just Cam's annoying way of welcoming you to audition." A perky redhead explains and waves to me in greeting. "Hey! I'm Shane."

"Zara." I say, smiling awkwardly, trying to find a way to get out of this situation.

"Wait." Cameron finally says to Jo. "She doesn't want to audition?" He asks to which she shakes her head no.

He looks at me and grins slowly in this creepily evil way that could give the Joker a run for his money. "Hmm." He taps his forefinger on his chin, pretending to be deep in thought. "Well," He starts as he finally looks at me. That grin of his still perfectly intact.

Fuck! I don't like where this is going. Not one bit. "Then she's in." He takes the clipboard that Jo gave me and a pen, his fingers grazing over mine briefly, sending a shiver up my body. Must be the wind, I think to myself. "In fact, I'll sign her up myself." He says in this way that implies he's being gallant.

"I don't even want to audition!" I say, throwing up my hands in frustration.

"Too bad." Both Jo and Cameron say at the same time.

"Jinx! You owe me a coke!" She tells him, to which he rolls his eyes.

"What are you, five?" He snorts. "Lara, was it?" He asks, his eyes still on the clipboard.

When he is still silent, I realize he's asking me and then I feel annoyed because, really? He obviously remembers my name and just wants to annoy me.

"It's 'go fuck yourself'." I lean into him a little to gaze at the clipboard and am hit with some minty smell and automatically realize that it's a result of Cameron. Can't the guy smell bad? I mean, if you're an asshole then surely you should smell like ass and look like a troll. Right? Where is the justice in this world?

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